مواد التبطين

SAR‎ 410.00
• Physical and bioactive properties help protect pulp and dentin health  • Calcium, phosphate, and fluoride release support remineralization  • Moisture-friendly resin adapts intimately and seals dentin  • Strong, durable, rubberized resin absorbs shock and occlusal forces  • Controlled delivery...
SAR‎ 60.00
Base It is a light cured base and cavity liner containing Calcium hydroxyapatite. The product can be used to reduce the level of pulp irritation and helps the release of calcium phosphate ions. Usage is recommended for improving thin residual dentin, as it helps secondary dentin to be formed....
BrandSpident Country of Originكوريا الجنوبية
SAR‎ 80.00
التعبئة:  2x Syringe 2g التصلب:  تصلب ضوئي الوظيفة:  Pulp Protection - Cavity Lining - Total-Etch Protection النوع:  Calcium Hydroxide Light curing type cavity liner Applications: · Protect pulp of the tooth · Lining under all filling materials · Protection when applying the...
BrandMeta Biomed Country of Originكوريا
SAR‎ 480.00
The first all-in-one dentin substitute to fully replace dentin, both in the crown and in the root.
Brandseptodont Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 50.00
CaviLINE Calcium Hyroxide Lining Paste 13g/11g ZCem CarbZinc Polycarboxylate Cement 90g / 30ml
SAR‎ 470.00
2 ml (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 ml)
INDICATIONS: Cavity linings Extended fissure sealing Fillings of small lesions ADVANTAGES: One-component ready-to-use material Excellent adhesion to bonding material High flexural and compressive strength Acid-resistant Fluoride-releasing, against secondary caries Universal dentine...
SAR‎ 96.00
Function:Indirect Pulp Capping - Cavity Lining Packing:2x Tube (Base 13g + Catalyst 11g) Dycal is a calcium hydroxide rigid-setting material for direct and indirect pulp capping, and a protective liner under dental filling materials, cements and other base materials.Dycal stimulates...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
A light-cured one-component lining material having high biocompatibility and the ability of long-term fluoride release. MerFill Line is a radiopaque light-cured one-component liner and a base for restoration. MerFill Line has a high biocompatibility and it is able to release fluoride for a...
BrandF&A MEDICAL Country of Originالنرويج
SAR‎ 62.00
13 g - g (‎SAR‎ 62.00 لكل 13 g - g)
CALCIUM HYDROXIDE PASTE HYDROCAL       is a Calcium Hydroxide based two paste system used as a liner in deep cavities and for direct and indirect pulp capping
SAR‎ 85.00
INDICATIONS Lining under polymer-based restorative materials, amalgams and porcelain restorations could be used both as a usual liner (coating the floor of the cavity) and to coat the entire cavity (stress-breaking function). ADVANTAGES Compensates filling shrinkage Prevents crack...
Brandi-dental Country of Originليتوانيا
SAR‎ 220.00
Calcium, Phosphate and Fluoride Releasing • Moisture Tolerant • Universal Dentin Shade • Radiopaque No Sensitivity and a More Adhesive Cavity Liner and Base Lime-Lite™ Enhanced is specially formulated for use with adhesives, composites and conventional restorative materials. It contains an...
SAR‎ 120.00
10 g - ml (‎SAR‎ 120.00 لكل 10 g - ml)
Prime-Blend Ultra, Dentin Adhering (Liner & Base), Calcium Hydroxide
SAR‎ 410.00
TheraCal LC is a light-cured, resin-modified calcium silicate. Its unique apatite stimulating ability makes it ideal for direct and indirect pulp capping and as a protective liner.
SAR‎ 60.00
13 g (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 g)
دواعي الإستعمال: تبطين تحت مواد حشو الأسنان مزايا: سهل الخلط والتطبيق وقت عمل كافٍ ووقت ضبط قصير في الفم يحتوي على 26٪ هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم يعزز تكوين العاج الثالثي استعادة اللب - الحفاظ على الحيوية كابح للجراثيم قيمة عالية للأس الهيدروجيني: تأثير مضاد للميكروبات التحكم...
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