مواد الإلصاق والتبطين

SAR‎ 60.00
13 g (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 g)
دواعي الإستعمال: تبطين تحت مواد حشو الأسنان مزايا: سهل الخلط والتطبيق وقت عمل كافٍ ووقت ضبط قصير في الفم يحتوي على 26٪ هيدروكسيد الكالسيوم يعزز تكوين العاج الثالثي استعادة اللب - الحفاظ على الحيوية كابح للجراثيم قيمة عالية للأس الهيدروجيني: تأثير مضاد للميكروبات التحكم...
SAR‎ 252.00
Esthetic Resin Cement - Complete system for veneer cementation 
BrandDMG Size"1 syring @ 6 g + 10 veneers tip "
SAR‎ 252.00
Esthetic Resin Cement - Complete system for veneer cementation 
BrandDMG Size1 syring @ 6 g + 10 veneers tip
SAR‎ 252.00
Esthetic Resin Cement - Complete system for veneer cementation 
BrandDMG Size"1 syring @ 6 g + 10 veneers tip "
SAR‎ 103.00
Esthetic Resin Cement - Complete system for veneer cementation 
BrandDMG Size3 syringes @ 6 g Shade A2 , B1 ,TR 3syring 3.9 g Tray-in Paste + 50 veneers tip
SAR‎ 124.00
15 g - ml (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 g - ml)
XtraLuteThe latest addition Medicept Dental’s range of cements has been optimized for use in hot and humid climates. The glass component is finely ground and sieved to produce an average particle size of less than 5 microns (<5µm) – this ensures a very low film thickness and excellent...
SAR‎ 95.00
ZCem CarbZinc Polycarboxylate Cement 90g / 30ml
SAR‎ 85.00
ZCem Phos Zinc Phosphate Cement 90g / 30ml
SAR‎ 85.00
Zinc F+ is a zinc phosphate cement that has universal application for crowns and bridges and as a liner/core or base material. Zinc F+ offers an extremely accurate fit with very high mechanical strength. Indications: Cementation of crowns & bridges, inlays and orthodontic brackets Cavity...
SAR‎ 80.00
Zinc Oxide Eugenol CementThis material is a non-irritating formulation for the temporary cementation of crowns and bridges. It is presented in the form of a powder and liquid. Strong adhesion and easy removal.
This cement has a sedative effect on the pulp and is especially useful for cementation on prepared teeth with exposed dentinal tubules. The addition of polymers as reinforcing agents have transformed it into a final cement and intermediate restorative material with a compressive strength of 5400...
Zinc Phosphate CementA very high strength permanent cement (131 Mpa compressive strength) representing perhaps the oldest and most well accustomed cement still in use. It also provides a good insulating layer against thermal shock.
SAR‎ 59.00
30 g - ml (‎SAR‎ 59.00 لكل 30 g - ml)
Although first introduced in the 1890's zinc phosphate cements still play an important role in modern dentistry - ZincCem is no exception combining tried and tested technology with modern processing techniques to produce a dependable and durable cement.
SAR‎ 70.00
Intermediate Restorative Material (IRM) for class I and class II restorations Indications: As a base under amalgam and non resin restorations Temporary restoration in emergency treatments Sealing coronal portion of teeth under endodontics treatment Product Benefits: Excellent physical...
SAR‎ 65.00
Easy mix rapid setting zinc oxide-eugenol cement for thermal insulation and temporary restoration Indications: Ideal temporary sealant and filling material for cavities after removal of carious dentine before the permanent restoration Perfect cavity liner Temporary fixation of crowns and...
SAR‎ 90.00
ZOECem Reinforced Zinc Oxide Eugenol Cement 40g/15ml
SAR‎ 35.00
جرن أملغم زجاج - - مستهلكات علاج مريض الأسنان
SAR‎ 35.00
جرن لخلط الاملغم
SAR‎ 35.00
رؤوس خلط لون بني 50 قطعة
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