Nanofill unique
Micro-Hybrid Composite Syringe / 4G

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Nanofill unique is a universal micro-hybrid composite for direct and indirect restorations (inlays, onlays, veneers) as well as fillings of cavity class I-V.

All classic vita-shades are covered thanks to the chameleon-e­ffect of Nanofill unique. A translucency of 8% allows excellent shade matching of the restoration to the natural tooth shade of the adjacent tooth structure.  Nanofill unique combines top aesthetics and good handling. It is characterized by easy modeling and optimal adaptation to the cavity walls. Highest polish ability gives the finished restoration a perfect gloss. Excellent physical properties guarantee long-lasting restorations.

The entire color spectrum is covered with one syringe. Surplus stock for slow turning colors is minimized, in addition to reduction of inventory. Nanofill unique enables efficient working: elimination of color definition and reduction of errors due to incorrect color selection.

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