مواد الترميم والتجميل

SAR‎ 30.00
Viscosity:Gel Material:37% Phosphoric Acid Use For:Enamel/Dentin Packing:3x Syringe 3g CharmEtch is a phosphoric acid etchant. type of semi-gel. It helps to give astrong adhesion for layer of the broken surface of the tooth effectively. – Effective elimination of the smear layer –...
BrandDENTKIST Country of Originكوريا
SAR‎ 60.00
5 ml (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 ml)
دواعي الإستعمال: حمض تخريش للاستخدام في تخريش المينا أو في تقنية التخريش الكلي مزايا: يحتوي على 35٪ حمض الفوسفوريك جل مستقر وغير متقطر تلوين أزرق للمراقبة البصرية أثناء التطبيق المظهر: 5 مل حقنة حمض التخريشر
SAR‎ 130.00
Complete Bleaching Material Kit (Office 44% CP + Home 16% CP)
SAR‎ 130.00
Complete Bleaching Material Kit (Office 44% CP + Home 22% CP)
SAR‎ 130.00
Complete Bleaching Material Kit (Office 44% CP + Home 35% CP)
SAR‎ 200.00
4 ml (‎SAR‎ 200.00 لكل 4 ml)
INDICATIONS Direct restorations of all cavity classes with all light-curing restoratives ADVANTAGES Stick-immediately effect' for easy application of the restorative One-component – one application Excellent adhesion Perfect physical properties Wet-bonding technique...
SAR‎ 990.00
7 g (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 g)
INDICATIONS: Fillings of classes I to V Reconstruction of traumatically affected anteriors Veneering of discoloured anteriors Colour and shape corrections for improved aesthetic appearance Locking, splinting of loose anteriors Repair of veneers Core build-ups Suitable for composite...
SAR‎ 650.00
INDICATIONS: Fillings of classes I to V Reconstruction of traumatically affected anteriors Facing of discoloured anteriors Colour and shape corrections for improved aesthetic appearance Locking of loosened anteriors Extended fissure sealing for molars and premolars Repair of...
INDICATIONS: Fillings with minimally invasive preparation technique Fillings of small cavities and extended fissure sealing Replacement fillings of cavities with undercuts Fillings of classes III to V incl. V-shaped defects and cervical caries Repair of fillings and veneers Luting of...
SAR‎ 115.00
كمبوزيت أمامي خلفي
SAR‎ 55.00
Composite Dispensing Gun
SAR‎ 55.00
BrandHN SizeBox/1
Packing:  Syringe 4g Shade:  A1 Dentin Class:  Universal Tooth:  Anterior + Posterior Type:  Zirconium Vittra APS is a light-cure composite resin for class I, II, III, IV, V and VI direct restorations on anterior and posterior teeth as well as re-anatomization of tooth structure....
Packing:  Syringe 4g Shade:  A2 Dentin Class:  Universal Tooth:  Anterior + Posterior Type:  Zirconium Vittra APS is a light-cure composite resin for class I, II, III, IV, V and VI direct restorations on anterior and posterior teeth as well as re-anatomization of tooth...
Packing:  Syringe 4g Shade:  A3 Dentin Class:  Universal Tooth:  Anterior + Posterior Type:  Zirconium Vittra APS is a light-cure composite resin for class I, II, III, IV, V and VI direct restorations on anterior and posterior teeth as well as re-anatomization of tooth...
Packing:  Syringe 4g Shade:  Bleach Class:  Universal Tooth:  Anterior + Posterior Type:  Zirconium Vittra APS is a light-cure composite resin for class I, II, III, IV, V and VI direct restorations on anterior and posterior teeth as well as re-anatomization of tooth structure....
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