مواد الترميم والتجميل

SAR‎ 55.00
4 جرام (‎SAR‎ 55.00 لكل 4 جرام)
Use for restorations of posterior teeth and anterior teeth requiring a higher level of aesthetic (filling of lesions Class I to V, Repair of fractured teeth, corrections of the tooth shape and color, primary teeth). Reflectys is a light-cured micro-hybrid composite reinforced...
BrandITENA Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 45.00
2 جرام (‎SAR‎ 45.00 لكل 2 جرام)
Ideal for areas with difficult access Indicated for: Filling of minor invasive preparations with carious lesions Surface fillings of Class I, III and V Liners combined with high viscosity composite materials Marginal repairs to current composite fillings or inlays Reinforcement...
BrandITENA Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 45.00
2 جرام (‎SAR‎ 45.00 لكل 2 جرام)
Ideal for areas with difficult access Indicated for: Filling of minor invasive preparations with carious lesions Surface fillings of Class I, III and V Liners combined with high viscosity composite materials Marginal repairs to current composite fillings or inlays Reinforcement...
BrandITENA Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 45.00
2 جرام (‎SAR‎ 45.00 لكل 2 جرام)
Ideal for areas with difficult access Indicated for: Filling of minor invasive preparations with carious lesions Surface fillings of Class I, III and V Liners combined with high viscosity composite materials Marginal repairs to current composite fillings or inlays Reinforcement...
BrandITENA Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 10.00
SAR‎ 95.00
ReliaBond Single Bonding Adhesive 5th Generation 5ml
SAR‎ 185.00
ReliaBond Xtra Light Cure Self Etch Bonding 7th Generation 6ml
SAR‎ 95.00
Relia Bulk 4gm Composite Universal Shade
SAR‎ 58.00
ReliaFil Flowable Composite 2gm Syringe A1 + Tips 
SAR‎ 58.00
ReliaFil Flowable Composite 2gm Syringe A2 + Tips 
SAR‎ 58.00
ReliaFil Flowable Composite 2gm Syringe A3 + Tips 
SAR‎ 58.00
ReliaFil Flowable Composite 2gm Syringe A3.5 + Tips 
SAR‎ 70.00
ReliaFil LC Universal Composite 4gm Syringes A1
SAR‎ 70.00
ReliaFil LC Universal Composite 4gm Syringes A2
SAR‎ 70.00
ReliaFil LC Universal Composite 4gm Syringes A3
SAR‎ 70.00
ReliaFil LC Universal Composite 4gm Syringes A3
SAR‎ 267.50
SAR‎ 320.00
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:سيّال اللون:A1 التعبئة:(15x 0.25g Compula® Tips) Formerly known as Surefil SDR flow+, SDR flow+ is Dentsply Sironas self-leveling, low-stress, flowable composite has a wide range of indications. • Exhibits unmatched adaptation to cavity preps. •...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
SAR‎ 320.00
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:سيّال اللون:A2 التعبئة:(15x 0.25g Compula® Tips) Formerly known as Surefil SDR flow+, SDR flow+ is Dentsply Sironas self-leveling, low-stress, flowable composite has a wide range of indications. • Exhibits unmatched adaptation to cavity preps....
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
SAR‎ 320.00
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:سيّال اللون:A3 التعبئة:(15x 0.25g Compula® Tips) Formerly known as Surefil SDR flow+, SDR flow+ is Dentsply Sironas self-leveling, low-stress, flowable composite has a wide range of indications. • Exhibits unmatched adaptation to cavity preps. •...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
SAR‎ 320.00
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:سيّال اللون:Universal التعبئة:(15x 0.25g Compula® Tips) DR is a self-leveling, fluid composite that requires no instrumentation (even in maxillary cases), and provides excellent cavity adaption.SDR has low Polymerisation Stress (shrinkage...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
SAR‎ 170.00
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:حشو سريع اللون:Universal التعبئة:2 x 1 g SDR Plus Syringe, Universal Shade, 15 x SDR Plus Syringe Tips Composite base used for posterior restorations, that allows for bulk placements up to 4 mm with a short 20-second cure time. SDR...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
SAR‎ 940.00
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:سيّال اللون:Universal التعبئة:50 x 0.25 g SDR Plus Compula Tips, Universal Shade Formerly known as Surefil SDR flow+, SDR flow+ is Dentsply Sironas self-leveling, low-stress, flowable composite has a wide range of indications. • Exhibits...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
SAR‎ 700.00
Indications SDR Plus material direct restorative: • Base in cavity Class I & II direct restorations • Liner under direct restorative materials - Class II box liner • Pit & Fissure Sealant • Conservative Class I restorations • Core Buildup • Class III and V restorations
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
SAR‎ 505.00
4.5 مل (‎SAR‎ 505.00 لكل 4.5 مل)
النوع:Activator التصلب:تصلب ذاتي التعبئة: 1x 4.5ml Self Cure Activator 1x Instructions for Use   Self-Cure Activator (SCA) is for use with Prime&Bond XP, Prime&Bond NT, prime&bond one ETCH&RINSE or Spectrum bond in conjunction with a dual-cure or self-cure resin cement such as Calibra,...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
SAR‎ 65.00
A cross-linking agent used to improve adhesion Single component silane Reacts with mineral surfaces (such as glass or ceramics) Increases mechanical resistance Packaging 5 ml bottle
BrandITENA Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 208.00
4.8 مل (‎SAR‎ 208.00 لكل 4.8 مل)
FOR BONDING COMPOSITES AND RESIN CEMENTS TO PORCELAIN  This single component material increases the bond strength of organic resins, such as composites and resin cements, to porcelain. Apply silane to the etched and dried porcelain surface. Conveniently dispenses one drop at a time from the...
SAR‎ 35.00
a single component material that is used to enhance bond strength between composites/cement and porcelain. For best results, the etched porcelain surface should be completely dry and free of residual moisture before applying Silane-X.
SAR‎ 85.00
4 جرام (‎SAR‎ 85.00 لكل 4 جرام)
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:A1 التعبئة:Syringe 4g Creamy consistency and non-sticky handling: Easy control and sculptability High lustre: Provides opalescence and reflectivity Simple and manageable: Easy to use Excellent polishability: Creates lifelike...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:A2 التعبئة:Syringe 4g Creamy consistency and non-sticky handling: Easy control and sculptability High lustre: Provides opalescence and reflectivity Simple and manageable: Easy to use Excellent polishability: Creates lifelike...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:A3.5 التعبئة:Syringe 4g Creamy consistency and non-sticky handling: Easy control and sculptability High lustre: Provides opalescence and reflectivity Simple and manageable: Easy to use Excellent polishability: Creates lifelike...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:A3 التعبئة:Syringe 4g Creamy consistency and non-sticky handling: Easy control and sculptability High lustre: Provides opalescence and reflectivity Simple and manageable: Easy to use Excellent polishability: Creates lifelike...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:B1 التعبئة:Syringe 4g   Creamy consistency and non-sticky handling: Easy control and sculptability High lustre: Provides opalescence and reflectivity Simple and manageable: Easy to use Excellent polishability: Creates lifelike...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الامريكية
النوع:Micro-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:B2 التعبئة:Syringe 4g Creamy consistency and non-sticky handling: Easy control and sculptability High lustre: Provides opalescence and reflectivity Simple and manageable: Easy to use Excellent polishability: Creates lifelike...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
SAR‎ 55.00
SAR‎ 10.00
SAR‎ 170.00
Specially formulated for metal TotalCem is dedicated to permanent cementation of: crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and posts. All in one: Etching + Bonding + Cement Good bonding strength Dual curing (Light- or self-curing) Guaranteed curing in areas with limited light...
BrandITENA Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 175.00
SAR‎ 150.00
(SAR‎ 172.50 الضريبة الزائدة)
"يعمل V34 على تفتيح الأسنان من خلال استخدام تقنية تصحيح الألوان. فهو يخفي البقع اليومية على أسنانك لتحسين السطوع على الفور طوال اليوم. استخدم مضختين وحفيف لمدة 15 ثانية يستخدم تقنية تصحيح الألوان علاج تفتيح غير جراحي "
SAR‎ 150.00
(SAR‎ 172.50 الضريبة الزائدة)
"يعمل V34 على تفتيح الأسنان من خلال استخدام تقنية تصحيح الألوان. من خلال الموازنة المضادة للألوان المختلفة في أسنانك ، يخفي V34 البقع ويحسن السطوع. يستخدم تقنية تصحيح الألوان علاج تفتيح غير جراحي أعلى تركيز لـ V34 في مجموعتنا "
SAR‎ 266.00
bonding agent for ceramic and luting composites
BrandDMG Country of Originالمانيا Size1 Bottle @ 3 ml Vitique Silane Adhesive 1 Bottle @ 3 ml Vitique Silane Activator 50 Brushes 1 Brush holder
SAR‎ 100.00
النوع:Nano-Hybrid السن:أمامي وخلفي القوام:قياسي اللون:Adaptive Chroma التعبئة:Syringe 4g Benefits Chameleon effect  Copies the shade of the dental substrate during the polymerization process, achieving perfect mimicry thanks to the chromatic mirroring characteristics of the composite....
SAR‎ 36.00
Highly polishable, 67% filled, esthetic composite used for all types of cavity preparations. The composite has a nominal particle size of 0.7 micron. An ideal choice for both anterior and posterior applications and also as a pit and fissure sealant. Ideal for repairing small defects and...
SAR‎ 36.00
Highly polishable, 67% filled, esthetic composite used for all types of cavity preparations. The composite has a nominal particle size of 0.7 micron. An ideal choice for both anterior and posterior applications and also as a pit and fissure sealant. Ideal for repairing small defects and...
SAR‎ 36.00
Highly polishable, 67% filled, esthetic composite used for all types of cavity preparations. The composite has a nominal particle size of 0.7 micron. An ideal choice for both anterior and posterior applications and also as a pit and fissure sealant. Ideal for repairing small defects and...
SAR‎ 36.00
Highly polishable, 67% filled, esthetic composite used for all types of cavity preparations. The composite has a nominal particle size of 0.7 micron. An ideal choice for both anterior and posterior applications and also as a pit and fissure sealant. Ideal for repairing small defects and...
SAR‎ 36.00
Highly polishable, 67% filled, esthetic composite used for all types of cavity preparations. The composite has a nominal particle size of 0.7 micron. An ideal choice for both anterior and posterior applications and also as a pit and fissure sealant. Ideal for repairing small defects and...
SAR‎ 36.00
Highly polishable, 67% filled, esthetic composite used for all types of cavity preparations. The composite has a nominal particle size of 0.7 micron. An ideal choice for both anterior and posterior applications and also as a pit and fissure sealant. Ideal for repairing small defects and...
SAR‎ 85.00
Type:One-Step (7th Gen) Curing:Light-Cure A 5th generation, single component, multi-use adhesive, which is hydrophilic and suitable for use on moist dentin (wet bonding technique).The adhesive incorporates aspects of a primer and bonding resin in a single bottle designed to bond...
Self-mixing system Single application per session Contains calcium: maintains the integrity of enamel Benefits Single application per session:   The product may be kept up to 50 minutes in contact with the teeth without having to be changed, since the pH remains neutral and stable during...
BrandFGM Country of Originالبرازيل
Syringe coupling system Single application per session: stable and alkaline pH Lower sensitivity Benefits Single application per session:  The product can remain in contact with the teeth for up to 40 minutes without having to be replaced as the ph remains stable throughout the session....
Flavor:Unflavored Material:16% Carbamide Peroxide Packing:5x Syringe 3g + 5x Tips + 2x Tray Sheets + Case. Potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride as desensitizing agents. Neutral pH Excellent viscosity Whitening of vital teeth using the supervised at-home whitening technique.
Flavor:Unflavored Material:22% Carbamide Peroxide Content: 4 syringes with 3g of gel each (12g of gel in the kit), 2 tray plates, tray case and 4 applicator tips. Carbamide peroxide whitening gel at 22% for supervised at-home use. Potassium nitrate and sodium fluoride as...
SAR‎ 120.00
Tooth stain remover through microabrasion based on Silicon carbide and hydrochloric acid at 6% - Ready for use. For more:
Packing:  Syringe 3g + 15x Tips Material:  37% Carbamide Peroxide Flavor:  Unflavored Carbamide peroxide whitening system at 37% for use as temporary dressing in non-vital teeth. Benefits Ready for use:No mixing required. Excellent affinity with water:It is easily removed...
SAR‎ 150.00
(SAR‎ 172.50 الضريبة الزائدة)
قم بلمس المناطق التي يصعب الوصول إليها أو قم بتبييض أسنانك أثناء التنقل باستخدام قلم تبييض الأسنان الخالي من الحساسية. قلم التبييض الخاص بنا خالٍ من البيروكسيد ، ومثالي للمناطق التي يصعب الوصول إليها.
SAR‎ 110.00
3M™ Filtek™ Z250 Universal Restorative, Syringe A1 (4 g)
SAR‎ 35.00
(SAR‎ 40.25 الضريبة الزائدة)
حامل فرشاة بوند عدد 12  
SAR‎ 15.00
(SAR‎ 17.25 الضريبة الزائدة)
رؤوس حقن كومبزيت سائل - مستهلكات علاج مريض الأسنان
SAR‎ 13.00
(SAR‎ 14.95 الضريبة الزائدة)
رؤوس حمض تخريش - DC-1A00030 - مستهلكات علاج مريض الأسنان
SAR‎ 90.00
(SAR‎ 103.50 الضريبة الزائدة)
عد تركيب مجموعة تبييض الأسنان الخاصة بك مع 6 أخرى العلاجات. مثالي للحفاظ على إشراقك ، ابتسامة أكثر صحة ".
SAR‎ 9.00
(SAR‎ 10.35 الضريبة الزائدة)
العلبة 100 حبة  فراشي بوند عادي -  مستهلكات علاج مريض الأسنان
SAR‎ 35.00
(SAR‎ 40.25 الضريبة الزائدة)
فراشي بوند مقاس عادي 200 قطعة - PRC0001
SAR‎ 35.00
(SAR‎ 40.25 الضريبة الزائدة)
فراشي بوند مقاس ناعم -PRC0007
SAR‎ 10.00
(SAR‎ 11.50 الضريبة الزائدة)
العلبة 100 حبة  فراشي بوند ناعم  - مستهلكات علاج مريض الأسنان
SAR‎ 35.00
(SAR‎ 40.25 الضريبة الزائدة)
فرشاة بوند مع حامل فراشي /100 قطعة 
(التقييمات: 1)
SAR‎ 260.00
(SAR‎ 299.00 الضريبة الزائدة)
1 Pic (‎SAR‎ 0.00 لكل 0 Pic)
"""مجموعة تبييض الأسنان تبيض الأسنان في 10 فقط الدقائق. يتميز بتركيبتنا القوية للتبييض بمكونات مثبتة علميًا يمنع الحساسية ويقوي الأسنان. مجموع مع تقنية LED المصممة لتقديم سريع نتائج التبييض ""."
Weight١٥ جرام