Needle Holder Fine Swedish 150mm TC 1923/TC

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For needles: 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0 Used to grasp suture needles during suturing when pushing/pulling the needle and suture through tissue. It has short serrated jaws at the distal end to provide better grip of the needle and it is available in a wide variety of sizes and designs, such as: 1) a self-retaining, scissors-like design with ring handles at the proximal end; 2) a tweezer-like design with bowed, hinged handles that are operated by squeezing them together; and 3) a heavy-duty pincer-like design. some types may utilize inserts made of hard materials (e.g., tungsten carbide) and include scissor blades.

Instrument name: Fine Swedish (150 mm)
Tip: Straight
Tip Material: TC - Tungsten Carbide Inserts
Handle Material: Stainless Steel

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