Periosteal Elevator Hopkins P2 874-P2

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Used to elevate and/or detach the periosteum (membrane of fibrous connective tissue tightly surrounding bone) from the underlying bone by a pushing action usually applied along the longitudinal axis of the bone. It is typically a one-piece instrument made of high-grade stainless steel; it is available in a wide variety of sizes and blade designs [e.g., slender or robust, curved, spoon-shaped, or flat (chisel-like)]. (aka: Raspatory) To detach and lift the tissue and periosteum from the bone.

Instrument name: Hopkins (175*3.5/4.0 mm)
Tip Material: Stainless Steel
Handle: Mod. DALILA ø 8mm with 2 flat sides - Double-Ended
Handle Material: Stainless Steel

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