Surgical Scissor Superior Cut With Open Ring Goldman/Fox 130mm Straight 3545/OR

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SUPERIOR CUT; OPEN RINGS Used for different purposes, such as cutting of the gums, sutures or bandages. With smooth or toothed/serrated blades and pointed or beveled tips for specific different surgical purposes. SUPERIOR CUT SCISSORS: razor-sharp blade on one side and fine serration on the opposite. Extremely useful for grasping tissue due to the special serration that helps to avoid tissue slippage. For an easy identification, only one handle is gold coloured.
OPEN RINGS: for the best handling and better performances.

Instrument name: Goldman-Fox (130 mm)
Tip: S/S, Razor+Saw Edge
Tip Material: Stainless Steel
Handle: Straight
Handle Material: Stainless Steel

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