27.99 $
CharmFlex Bite, Clear
29.33 $
CharmFlex Bite, White
Fast setting of bite impression High solidity The lowest dimensional change Very accurate bite impressionAplication Range: - Impression of the occlusal surface - Check the occlusal surface - Intraoral incisal pin records after mounting of the occluderWorking Time: 20 secSetting Time in Mouth: 45...
Fast setting of bite impression High solidity The lowest dimensional change Very accurate bite impressionAplication Range: - Impression of the occlusal surface - Check the occlusal surface - Intraoral incisal pin records after mounting of the occluderWorking Time: 20 secSetting Time in Mouth:...
54.12 $
Innovative rigid bisacryl bite registration
BrandDMG Country of Originالمانيا Size"1 cart. 50 ml + 15 mixing tip"
52.26 $
bite registration Exceptional accuracy, predictability and speed Outstanding stability Non-technique sensitive Hard VPS-based bite registration material Superior break resistance Minimal bite resistance
BrandDMG Country of Originالمانيا Size2 Cart @ 50ml + 12 mixng tip
35.99 $
- Scannability favours digital work-flow access Can be scanned using optical scanners & CBCT without using opacifier powders - Imperceptible consistency - Allowing the patient to bite naturally - Thixotropy prevents the...
BrandZhermack dental Country of Originايطاليا
39.99 $
- Satisfy the diverse demands of daily practice - Imperceptible consistency - Allowing the patient to bite naturally - Thixotropy prevents the material running but allows flow easily over the teeth - High...
BrandZhermack dental Country of Originايطاليا
Regisil® is designed for accurate interocclusal records of bite registration. Regisil® offers minimum resistance to the patient’s jaw closure. This minimises deviation of the mandible and aids in producing consistently accurate centric relation records. This bite registration material...
BrandDentsply Sirona Country of Originالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
33.06 $
Medium consistency Vinyl Polysiloxane material for Bite Registrations Vinylbite is an addition type silicone polyvinylsiloxane based, specifically formulated for bite registrations.