
SAR‎ 6.00
بلاستر سيلك رول هو شريط لاصق ضمادة مصنوع من الحرير الطبيعي، وهو لطيف على الجلد ومسامح للبشرة الحساسة. يتميز بلاستر سيلك رول بتصاق قوي يدوم طويلاً، مما يضمن تثبيت الضمادات الطبية بشكل آمن. كما يتميز بلاستر سيلك رول بنفاذيته للهواء والرطوبة، مما يساعد الجلد على التنفس ويمنع احتباس رطوبة الجلد.
SAR‎ 9.00
بلاستر سيلك رول هو شريط لاصق ضمادة مصنوع من الحرير الطبيعي، وهو لطيف على الجلد ومسامح للبشرة الحساسة. يتميز بلاستر سيلك رول بتصاق قوي يدوم طويلاً، مما يضمن تثبيت الضمادات الطبية بشكل آمن. كما يتميز بلاستر سيلك رول بنفاذيته للهواء والرطوبة، مما يساعد الجلد على التنفس ويمنع احتباس رطوبة الجلد.
SAR‎ 9.00
لصقات جروح KBM الياباني عالية الجودة، تأتي بعدد 100 من الشكل المستطيل.
SAR‎ 12.00
لصقات جروح KBM الياباني عالية الجودة، تأتي بعدد 100 متنوع الشكل
SAR‎ 55.00
Glick Blade/Plugger 3.0mm tip, ø 1,2 mm
BrandMEDESY Country of Originايطاليا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 15 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 15-40 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 20 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 25 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 30 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 35 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 40 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 45-80 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 15 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 15-40 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 20 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 25 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 30 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 35 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 40 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 45-80 Packing: PK/6 Flat tip and conicity at 2%. Designed for vertical condensation of gutta percha points. Gutta percha point is easily pushed in root canal by pushing and pulling action.
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
For the insertion and removal of rubber dam clamps. With small projections at the working end that fit into corresponding holes in the rubber dam clamp. With a sliding lock mechanism that locks the handles in position while the operator moves the rubber dam clamp around the tooth. Instrument...
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 25 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 25-40 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 30 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 35 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 21mm Size: 40 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 25 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 25-40 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 30 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 35 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 30.00
Length: 25mm Size: 40 Packing: PK/6 Conical shape made from grinded wire with safety spiral. Flexible. The safety spring decreases the risks of breakage. Engine driven instrument. Select the size of the paste filler according to the length and thickness of the root canal, fill the...
BrandThomas Country of Originفرنسا
SAR‎ 36.00
(SAR‎ 41.40 الضريبة الزائدة)
غسول للفم خالي من الكحول يقضي علي البكتربا
SAR‎ 5.75
صنعت صابونة الأيورفيدا من بيارى من الزيوت الطبيعية الأساسية بالإضافة إلى مستخلصات الكركم مما يجعل بشرتك صحية ومشرقة. كما تُغذي البشرة وتحافظ على ترطيبها، وتجعلكِ تشعرين بالنظافة والانتعاش.تعمل هذه الصابونة على تنظيف المسام بعمق كما تعمل على إزالة الأوساخ المترسبة بالمسام المفتوحة بالجلد مما...
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