Use For : Alginate Used for elastomer, generally a blunt blade of varying size and shape. Instrument name: (210 mm) Tip: Flexible Tip Material: Plastic - Different Colors Handle Material: Plastic - Different Colors
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Automix Syringe 5g + Mixing Tips Radiopaque Adequate flow Mechanical strength Recommendations Definitive cementation of:– Pure porcelain crowns and bridges or fused to precious, semi-precious or non-precious metals (metal-ceramic) pieces.– Inlays, onlays, crowns made of porcelain or...
Automix Syringe 5g + Mixing Tips Radiopaque Adequate flow Mechanical strength Recommendations Definitive cementation of:– Pure porcelain crowns and bridges or fused to precious, semi-precious or non-precious metals (metal-ceramic) pieces.– Inlays, onlays, crowns made of porcelain or...
Automix Syringe 5g + Mixing Tips Radiopaque Adequate flow Mechanical strength Recommendations Definitive cementation of:– Pure porcelain crowns and bridges or fused to precious, semi-precious or non-precious metals (metal-ceramic) pieces.– Inlays, onlays, crowns made of porcelain or...
Allcem Core is a dual-cure resin cement that can fulfill 3 procedures in 1 product due to its high strength and viscosity. The cement allows cementation of posts and is also used for core build-ups. > Excellent viscosity: balanced flow allows core build-up and cementation of posts...
Allcem Core is a dual-cure resin cement that can fulfill 3 procedures in 1 product due to its high strength and viscosity. The cement allows cementation of posts and is also used for core build-ups. > Excellent viscosity: balanced flow allows core build-up and cementation of posts...
Allcem Core is a dual-cure resin cement that can fulfill 3 procedures in 1 product due to its high strength and viscosity. The cement allows cementation of posts and is also used for core build-ups. > Excellent viscosity: balanced flow allows core build-up and cementation of posts...
Allcem Core is a dual-cure resin cement that can fulfill 3 procedures in 1 product due to its high strength and viscosity. The cement allows cementation of posts and is also used for core build-ups. > Excellent viscosity: balanced flow allows core build-up and cementation of posts...
Automix Syringe 5g + Mixing Tips Radiopaque Adequate flow Mechanical strength Recommendations Definitive cementation of:– Pure porcelain crowns and bridges or fused to precious, semi-precious or non-precious metals (metal-ceramic) pieces.– Inlays, onlays, crowns made of porcelain or...
Allcem Veneer APS is a light-cure resin cement for cementation of ceramic no-prep or minimal preparation veneers. It contains in its formula the APS, FGM exclusive polymerization system, which guarantees a more powerful polymerization with imperceptible color and very low opacity change...
Allcem Veneer APS is a light-cure resin cement for cementation of ceramic no-prep or minimal preparation veneers. It contains in its formula the APS, FGM exclusive polymerization system, which guarantees a more powerful polymerization with imperceptible color and very low opacity...
Allcem Veneer APS is a light-cure resin cement for cementation of ceramic no-prep or minimal preparation veneers. It contains in its formula the APS, FGM exclusive polymerization system, which guarantees a more powerful polymerization with imperceptible color and very low opacity change before...
Allcem Veneer APS is a light-cure resin cement for cementation of ceramic no-prep or minimal preparation veneers. It contains in its formula the APS, FGM exclusive polymerization system, which guarantees a more powerful polymerization with imperceptible color and very low opacity...
Allcem Veneer APS is a light-cure resin cement for cementation of ceramic no-prep or minimal preparation veneers. It contains in its formula the APS, FGM exclusive polymerization system, which guarantees a more powerful polymerization with imperceptible color and very low opacity change...
Allcem Veneer APS is a light-cure resin cement for cementation of ceramic no-prep or minimal preparation veneers. It contains in its formula the APS, FGM exclusive polymerization system, which guarantees a more powerful polymerization with imperceptible color and very low opacity...
2 g (SAR80.00 per 2 g)
Allcem Veneer Try-in is a color proof paste that mimics the color of the resin cement Allcem Veneer after light curing > Has the same shade as the cement so that the selected shade of the paste brings results equivalent to the final cementation. > Water-soluble: easy removal...
2 g (SAR80.00 per 2 g)
Allcem Veneer Try-in is a color proof paste that mimics the color of the resin cement Allcem Veneer after light curing > Has the same shade as the cement so that the selected shade of the paste brings results equivalent to the final cementation. > Water-soluble: easy removal...
2 g (SAR80.00 per 2 g)
Allcem Veneer Try-in is a color proof paste that mimics the color of the resin cement Allcem Veneer after light curing > Has the same shade as the cement so that the selected shade of the paste brings results equivalent to the final cementation. > Water-soluble: easy removal...
2 g (SAR80.00 per 2 g)
Allcem Veneer Try-in is a color proof paste that mimics the color of the resin cement Allcem Veneer after light curing > Has the same shade as the cement so that the selected shade of the paste brings results equivalent to the final cementation. > Water-soluble: easy removal...
2 g (SAR80.00 per 2 g)
Allcem Veneer Try-in is a color proof paste that mimics the color of the resin cement Allcem Veneer after light curing > Has the same shade as the cement so that the selected shade of the paste brings results equivalent to the final cementation. > Water-soluble: easy removal...
2 g (SAR80.00 per 2 g)
Allcem Veneer Try-in is a color proof paste that mimics the color of the resin cement Allcem Veneer after light curing > Has the same shade as the cement so that the selected shade of the paste brings results equivalent to the final cementation. > Water-soluble: easy removal...
Used to grasp soft tissue Instrument name: Allis (200 mm) Tip: Straight, Serrated Tip Material: Stainless Steel Handle Material: Stainless Steel
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Used to grasp soft tissue Instrument name: Allis (200 mm) Tip: Straight, Serrated Tip Material: Stainless Steel Handle Material: Stainless Steel
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Capacity:12 FG + 12 RA Material:Metal 12 Small / 12 Big Endodontic Organizer Instrument name: (62*42*h37 mm) Tip Material: Aluminium Handle: Rectangular Handle Material: Aluminium
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Capacity:36 RA Material:Metal 36 Big Endodontic Organizer Instrument name: (62*50*h37 mm) Tip Material: Aluminium Handle: Rectangular Handle Material: Aluminium
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Capacity:18 FG + 18 RA Material:Metal 18 Small / 18 Big Endodontic Organizer Instrument name: (62*50*h37 mm) Tip Material: Aluminium Handle: Rectangular Handle Material: Aluminium
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Capacity:48 FG Material:Metal 48 Small Endodontic Organizer Instrument name: (75*40 mm) Tip Material: Aluminium Handle: Rectangular Handle Material: Aluminium
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Capacity:48 RA Material:Metal 48 Big Endodontic Organizer Instrument name: (75*40 mm) Tip Material: Aluminium Handle: Rectangular Handle Material: Aluminium
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
Capacity:24 FG + 24 RA Material:Metal 24 Small / 24 Big Endodontic Organizer Instrument name: (75*40 mm) Tip Material: Aluminium Handle: Rectangular Handle Material: Aluminium
BrandMEDESY Country of OriginItaly
(SAR33.01 inc tax)
معجون أسنان مثالى بمكونات طبيعية تناسب جميع احتياجات الفم والأسنان. مدعم بخلاصة الصبار الطبيعى 100%. يحافظ على أسنانك صحية وسليمة.
(SAR30.12 inc tax)
معجون أسنان مثالى بمكونات طبيعية تناسب جميع احتياجات الفم والأسنان.يحافظ على أسنانك صحية وسليمة و يقاوم التهابات الفم واللثة والأسنان.يتخلص من البكتيريا الضارة التي قد تسبب تسوس الأسنان.
(SAR20.95 inc tax)
يجعل أسنانك أكثر إشراقاًَ وبياضاً يجعل أسنانك أقوى تحافظ على نظافة وصحة اللثة
(SAR20.95 inc tax)
يساعد في مكافحة البكتيريايساعد التنظيف المنتظم بالفرشاة على منع تسوس الأسنان والتخلص من البلاك ومشاكل الجير واللثة يساعد في الحصول على لثة صحي
(SAR19.55 inc tax)
يعمل التصميم الفريد على إزالة الترسبات بين الأسنان وتحت خط اللثةيساعد التصميم الفريد على الانزلاق بسهولة بين الأسنان دون انقطاع
(SAR33.01 inc tax)
يساعد على مكافحة تسوس الأسنان، ويمنحك بياضاً طبيعياًيدعم مكافحة أمراض اللثة وتسوس الأسنانيوفر المنثول نكهة النعناع المنعش ويقلل انبعاث رائحة الفم الكريهة
(SAR35.95 inc tax)
معجون أسنان ألودنت معجون أسنان بالفحم 100 مل هو معجون أسنان طبيعي يحتوي على مكونات عضوية نشطة بيولوجيًا مثل الصبار والفحم النشط والطحلب الأيسلندي وزيت شجرة الشاي.
(SAR35.95 inc tax)
ألودنت معجون أسنان بجوز الهند 100 مل هو معجون أسنان طبيعي خالٍ من الفلورايد يساعد في الحفاظ على أسنان ولثة صحية.يحارب معجون الأسنان البكتيريا، البلاك، الجير، سوس الأسنان
(SAR29.90 inc tax)
غسول للفم مثالى بمكونات طبيعية تناسب جميع احتياجات الفم والاسنان.يحافظ على الفم والاسنان ويمنحك فما نظيفا  منتعشا. مناسب للاسنان واللثة التى تعانى من لحساسية.
(SAR20.00 inc tax)
مزيج قوي تم اختياره بعناية الطبيعة مكونات فعالة تخلق معجون أسنان استثنائي للغاية شعور لفم بالإنتعاش لعلامة التجارية :الو دينت نوع :معجون الاسنان 
(SAR30.00 inc tax)
يساعد على إزالة البقع و يساعد على اعادة اللأسنان بياضها الطبيعي* يضفي طعم الوفيرا إحساس بالانتعاش ونظافة الفم *تخفيف حساسية الأسنان حماية مطولة من حساسية الأسنان بالفلورايد لحماية من التسوس
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