قناع الوجه الفاخر لإضاءة ورفع الذهب عيار 24 2 × 5 مل الماسك الكريمي علاج حصري يحسن على الفور توتر البشرة وإشراقها. هذا القناع يشد البشرة ويرطبها ويرفعها ، ويقلل من ظهور الخطوط الدقيقة والتجاعيد للحصول على توهج شبابي. الوجه مضاء بشكل فاخر. تسمح التقنية الثورية لحمض الهيالورونيك في شكل "خيوط"...
(SAR34.96 inc tax)
Designed to eliminate dead skin cells over the entire body area. It stimulates blood circulation and gives the skin softness and vitality. Very useful for use with Moroccan bath. Helps resist infections.
(SAR34.96 inc tax)
The loofah is used to gently massage the skin to remove skin blemishes and dead skin cells. Regular use of Moroccan loofah renews skin cells, stimulates blood circulation, and gives the skin softness and vitality.
The  Candela GentleMax Pro  yields high energy, subjecting patients to fewer laser pulses providing faster treatment times with the 24mm spot size, the largest spot found on any hair removal laser.  Candela’s  patented Dynamic Cooling Devise (DCD) technology protects the upper layers of skin...
The pacifier for you baby has three sizes to suit the child's age and three distinctive colors. The pacifier is designed in the shape of the mother's nipple, which helps the child move the muscles of his mouth and tongue and thus strengthen them. The pacifier provides your child with a...
(SAR310.79 inc tax)
6x Retinol Super Serum restores the look of smooth, beautiful and glowing skin with 3 Million I.U.ʼs of Retinyl Palmitate. This unique night-time accelerator encourages your skinʼs renewal process while you sleep. It lifts and firms as it targets lines, wrinkles, dark spots, pores, and...
(SAR20.30 inc tax)
علاج حبوب الشباب واثارها . تفتيح المناطق الداكنة و توحيد لون البشرة زالة تامة للرءوس السوداء الموجود في منطقة الانف و الخدين . يعمل على تضييق المسام واسعة في بشرتك بفعالية . ذو تأثير فعال في تنظيم لإفرازات الدهنية في البشرة
(SAR19.67 inc tax)
تريتينوين هو دواء يستخدم لعلاج حب الشباب.حب الشباب هو اضطراب جلدي التهابي ينتج عن انسداد بصيلات الشعر بالزيت وخلايا الجلد الميتة مما يتسبب في ظهور الرؤوس السوداء أو الرؤوس البيضاء أو البثورلم يتم إثبات سلامة وفعالية
Enriched with organic sweet almond oil and mango butter, this melting, lightweight cream sculpts  It redefines your baby's curls with long-lasting hold, softness and deep hydration.
Designed for fine hair of children from 3 years. To facilitate the styling process and provide the hydration and nourishment your child’s hair needs, it prevents frizz and detangles the hair without weighing the hair down or leaving it greasy.
Active Lounge hair straightening kit with almond oil works to treat frizz and straighten curly hair and make it natural, soft and attractive. It is distinguished by the fact that it is rich in almond oil, which nourishes
Actilis Smooth Treatment Kit  For normal hair from Activilong
Active Lounge Macadamia Hair Straightening Set works to treat frizz and straighten curly hair and make it natural, soft and attractive. It is rich in argan and keratin.
Actilis Smooth Treatment Kit  Activilong for wavy hair
Rich in active ingredients to accelerate hair growth and add density. Stimulates microcirculation of the scalp and gives hair strength and vitality. It strengthens hair follicles and stimulates their activity, leaving them soft and smooth to the touch with a shiny appearance
Activilong Junior Ultra Conditioner Shampoo with Sweet Almond Oil is the ideal detangling care for children's hair. With one gesture, it cleanses and protects the finest hairs restoring their texture and shine.
Nourishing Brillantine hair styling aid made with organic sweet almonds  Helps restore hair shine and manageability.
To make styling easier and make this beauty ritual a time of sharing and fun, this  It is a sweet almond nourishing styling milk ideal for detangling children's hair.
Le Tea Balm, La Doux Formula, Without Sulfates, Permette de Nitre Le Cuir Chevilliers Les Plus Delicates Un Soul Jeste
Le Tea Shampoo Conditioner, La Doux Formula, Without Sulfates, Permite D'Nitre Les Querres Chevelles Les Plus Delicates Un Soul Jeste
(SAR402,500.00 inc tax)
 CO2 Laser  Complete ablative laser resurfacing workstation. Deepest Impact Up to 1 mm in single Pulse
More Information Size 150 Ml Brand adidas®
More Information Size 150 Ml Brand adidas®
More Information Size 150 Ml Brand adidas®
A must-have in your manicure kit, this Agiss Nail Polish Remover not only removes nail polish and decorations from your nails instantly but also nourishes your nails and the skin surrounding it. Enriched with Grape Seed Oil, the product conditions, moisturizes and strengthens nails and the...
This nail polish remover removes your nail polish in seconds. with a formula infused with nourishing products and its acetone free. non harming on the nails and skin. clinically tested.
Nose and face cleansing strips to remove blackheads and impurities for a healthy looking complexion. For all skin types. How to use: 1. Wash your nose using a facial cleanser and warm water. 2. Wet your nose using water or a damp towel. 3. Remove the strip from the packaging...
Professional temporary hair dye with moisturizing castor oil that lasts up to 6 washes to color hair and maintain its health, perfect shine and ease of combing. Ammonia and oxygen free.
Professional temporary hair dye with moisturizing castor oil that lasts up to 6 washes to color hair and maintain its health, perfect shine and ease of combing. Ammonia and oxygen free.
Professional temporary hair dye with moisturizing castor oil that lasts up to 6 washes to color hair and maintain its health, perfect shine and ease of combing. Ammonia and oxygen free.
Professional temporary hair dye with moisturizing castor oil that lasts up to 6 washes to color hair and maintain its health, perfect shine and ease of combing. Ammonia and oxygen free.
Professional temporary hair dye with moisturizing castor oil that lasts up to 6 washes to color hair and maintain its health, perfect shine and ease of combing. Ammonia and oxygen free.
بلسم للشعر التالف ويعيد هيكلة الشعر ويقويه. تركيبة غنية بالكيراتين. يصلح ويحمي الشعر ويعيد تشكيله يوما بعد يوم. شعر أقوى وأكثر مرونة ، نتائج مرئية من أول استخدام.
شامبو للشعر التالف ويعيد هيكلة الشعر ويقويه. تركيبة غنية بالكيراتين. يصلح ويحمي الشعر ويعيد تشكيله يوما بعد يوم. شعر أقوى وأكثر مرونة ، نتائج مرئية من أول استخدام.
قناع إعادة الهيكلة والتقوية. يعزز عملية إعادة بناء الشعر لنتيجة جمالية غير عادية. علاج الكيراتين المكثف. يصلح الشعر من الداخل ويحميه من الاعتداءات الخارجية.
ماسك مرطب غني بالكيراتين يساعد على الحفاظ على الآثار التي تم الحصول عليها من علاج الكرياتين ليس ديزاين وإطالتها يبدو الشعر اكثر قوة, انعم, اكثر لمعاناً ويمكن التحكم به بطريقة اسهل
This wonderful set is designed for hair care after straightening. It is characterized by its pleasant scent and its ability to maintain the appearance of healthy, soft and shiny hair. It consists of a formula rich in keratin and fortified with babassu oil.
Cannabis oil is considered one of the most important oils for the hair and face, and its benefits are not limited to softening and lengthening hair only. Afghan oil also shows its benefits as a solution for treating skin and other diseases.
Natural oil for body and hair care. Maintains healthy skin. Reduces the appearance of dark circles. Delays the appearance of signs of aging. Helps relieve inflammation and itching. Nourishes, softens and strengthens hair. Hair lengthening.
(SAR5.64 inc tax)
Indian nadia henna inscription
(SAR5.64 inc tax)
Indian nadia henna inscription
(SAR5.64 inc tax)
Indian nadia henna inscription
(SAR5.64 inc tax)
Indian nadia henna inscription
Distilled rose water for the skin for external use Ingredients Distilled water  -Rose oil - Glycerin - Methylparaben - Propylparaben - Vitamin C
A unique oil that is instantly absorbed by hair and skin. Creates beautiful shine and long-lasting hydration. Rich in vitamin E and essential fatty acids. - Protects from harmful ultraviolet rays.
Function: Moisturizing, anti-dandruff, repair Features: Strengthens, nourishes and lengthens hair and prevents split ends and hair loss. Activate your hair cell with this power oil. Helps thicken your hair and make it strong, healthy and vibrant
(SAR5.64 inc tax)
Indian nadia henna inscription
(SAR5.64 inc tax)
Indian nadia henna inscription
Al Nadia Rosemary Oil 30 ml is a natural oil that contributes to improving hair and skin health. It is known for its ability to relieve stress and fatigue, promote hair growth and thickness, as well as help relieve acne.
A unique oil that is instantly absorbed by the hair and skin. - Creates beautiful shine and long-lasting hydrationEnriched with Vitamin E and essential fatty acids.
Wheat germ oil, which is extracted from wheat germ grains rich in nutrients, is used to treat and protect hair from dryness  Including it in your diet can have a positive impact on your health and is also used for various therapeutic and medicinal purposes.
(SAR17.45 inc tax)
It contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial substances, in addition to containing various minerals such as zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamins important for hair health.
(SAR125.35 inc tax)
يساعد على تقليل ظهور الهالات السوداء تحت العينين ويغذي منطقة محيط العين لمظهر أكثر شبابا و إشراقاً
(SAR89.00 inc tax)
It deeply cleanses the skin and gives it perfect hydration that lasts throughout the day.    Dermatologically tested.    Suitable for daily use.    Removes impurities and dirt.    Maintains the skin's natural moisture level.    Nourishes the skin.    Strengthens the skin's natural barrier....
A great synergy of essential oils with revitalizing and intensive nourishing actions on the hair roots. Used daily, it fights the premature hair loss, guaranteeing the growth of strong and full-bodied hair. Usage: Distribute a few drops on the concerned areas, and then gently massage to help the...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
(SAR115.08 inc tax)
أعد توهجك! تعزز القوة المنشطة للمكونات المختارة خصيصًا البشرة الرقيقة حول العينين ، مما يقلل بشكل مكثف من أعراض الشيخوخة والتعب والضغط. يستهدف التجاعيد والخطوط الدقيقة والهالات السوداء والانتفاخ ، وينعش مظهرك على الفور.هذه التركيبة المبتكرة تعمل على شد وترفع الجفون بشكل مثالي.
Use : Postoperative care after plastic-aesthetic procedures: Brachioplasty, Liposuction of the arms, armpits, back Product description: 1) 3 positions of hooks-and-eyes closure 2) offers special padding foam in the armpit area to prevent discomfort 3) sleeve finished with a...
Brandlipoelastic Country of OriginCzech Republic
Contains a highly concentrated marine oil formula, conveniently providing the benefits of both Omega 3 fish oil and cod liver oil in a 50:50 ratio. The high quality oils used provide rich sources of essential fatty acids, DHA (Dynamic Acid),
Use this lubricant that contains natural ingredients for high-level pleasure. The product is gentle on the skin and works well even in water. The product can also be used for massage.
Use this lubricant that contains natural ingredients for high-level pleasure. The product is gentle on the skin and works well even in water. The product can also be used for massage.
Use this lubricant that contains natural ingredients for high-level pleasure. The product is gentle on the skin and works well even in water. The product can also be used for massage.
(SAR157.00 inc tax)
Spray fortified with natural ingredients for a longer period and real pleasure Spray fortified with natural ingredients for a longer period and real pleasure Medically approved by dermatologists Compatible for use with medical condoms
(SAR92.00 inc tax)
Feel nothing but pleasure as you use Aquaglide lubricant and indulge in passionate intimacy. - Clinically tested formula allows for easy application. - Non-irritating liquid gel applies evenly to your skin without clumping.
Feel nothing but pleasure as you use Aquaglide lubricant and indulge in passionate intimacy. - Clinically tested formula allows for easy application. - Non-irritating liquid gel applies evenly to your skin without clumping.
Feel nothing but pleasure as you use Aquaglide lubricant and indulge in passionate intimacy. - Clinically tested formula allows for easy application. - Non-irritating liquid gel applies evenly to your skin without clumping.
Vitabiotics Aquamarine Omega 3 Extra Strength Capsules are specially designed for people looking for the best marine oils available, and are designed to meet the highest possible quality and purity requirements. They are made from high quality fish oil, with over 60% Omega 3 fatty acids.
(SAR92,000.00 inc tax)
Skin Rejuvenation ,Exfoliation & Extraction , Deep Pore Cleansing and Skin Elasticity
(SAR100.51 inc tax)
Bielenda face wash and cleanser contains an effective combination of rich argan oil and hyloronic Effectively cleanses the face, removes make-up, moisturizes and nourishes the skin How to use Wet the face and hands, then put a small part (a few drops) of the cleansing oil on your palms, then...
(SAR100.51 inc tax)
Bielenda face wash and cleanser contains an effective combination of rich argan oil and retinol Effectively cleanses the face, removes make-up, moisturizes and nourishes the skin How to use Wet the face and hands, then put a small part (a few drops) of the cleansing oil on your palms, then...
Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Allantoin, Chamomile, Agnus Castus 50 ml Gel    What Hydroxyethyl cellulose, Allantoin, Chamomile, Agnus Castus is used for: This product is used in women after delivery who lost vaginal elasticity in order to tighten and firm up vaginal muscles improving...
A Serum That Helps Prevent The Appearance Of Wrinkles By Boosting The Formation Of Collagen In The Skin1- A Moisturizing Serum That Regenerates And Protects Skin Cellsafter Applying The Skin Lotion, Apply 5-7 Pressures To The Entire Face, Neck, And Décolleté Area, And Leave It Until The Skin...
"An Essential Oil Extracted From Lavender Flowers1- Helps To Relax And Reduce Stress. 2-Helps Reduce Insomnia. 3-Reduces Acne. 4- Increases Skin Hydration And Glow. 5- Used As An Antibacterial Agent.1- For Relaxation, Lavender Oil Is Used On Areas (Behind The Ears The Wrist Of The Hands) Before...
Licorice Oil For Skin Treatment Gives You Perfect And Fresh Skinlicorice Oil Is Effective In Treating Skin Problems And Gives Perfect, Healthy And Fresh Skinapply In An Appropriate Amount, Then Apply To The Skin To Moisturize
Apply directly to the dry as often as needed May be used alone as a lip balm or apply before colored lipstick for softer and more beautiful color Brand: ENTALIA Skin type: Dry Item form: Balm Flavor: Cherry
Industry-specific attributes main ingredient Strawberry ingredient Mineral, Cruelty-Free feature Whitening, Moisturizer, Lightening Other attributes time used Day gender Female place of origin Guangdong, China brand name GUANJING model number GJ7122 supply type OEM/ODM...
It is beneficial for the skin and works on nourishing and repairing it. It consists of vitamin A, antioxidants, flower fruit seed juice, in addition to retinol acid, all of which are beneficial for the skin. It consists of several natural and beneficial substances for the skin. The oil...
ARM & AXE Foods tea tree oil has wonderful properties that treat both hair and skin. It includes anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that help you fight acne and make your skin fairer and brighter, in addition to removing scars and marks from the skin. To rejuvenate normal skin, you...
Vitamin C Serum To Protect The Skin From Wrinklesvitamin C Is Used To Protect The Skin From Wrinkles And Fine Linesclean The Skin Well And Leave The Skin Until It Dries Completely, Then Spread Drops On The Face And Neck And Leave Until The Skin Absorbs, Then Moisturize The Skin
Moisturizing Skin Cells And Protecting The Skin From Dryness And Cracksit Works To Regenerate Skin Cells And Increase Its Freshness. Very Useful For Getting Rid Of Dark Circles Under The Eyes. To Reduce Wrinkles, Fine Lines And Body Stretch Marks.The Oil Is Applied To The Targeted Areas With A...
Do you want to enjoy vitamin E various benefits? Sundown Naturals Vitamin E Oil 70000 Iu will provide your skin with the intensive care it deserves! Vitamin E Oil features a natural skin-nourishing formula that provides the skin with high levels of moisturizing and nourishing. While helps...
Synergy of essential oils for oily and impure skin, proficient in preventing the development of blackheads, pigmentation spots, reducing dilated pores and white “millet seeds”. Apply a few drops to face, neck and décolleté with a gentle massage until completely absorbed. Action Prevents...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
Size/volume 35 ml lubricant gel tube Composition Purified Water, Glycerin, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Chlorhexidine Gluconate, Methylparaben, Glucono Delta Lactone, Sodium Hydroxide Benefits and Uses: Gel Personal Lubricant, a super slick gel formula glides on like liquid velvet and...
Size/volume 9ml lubricant tube Composition Purified Water, Glycerin, Propylene Glycol, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Natural & Artifical Strawberry Flavor, Sodium Gluconate, Sodium Saccharin, Methylparaben, Sodium Benzoate, Citric Acid Benefits and Uses: Treat yourself to a sweet...
Discover unparalleled comfort and soothing relief with our 14x20 Moist Heating Pad. Designed to deliver optimal therapeutic warmth, this heating pad utilizes advanced moist heat technology to penetrate deep into your muscles, providing effective pain relief and relaxation. Ideal for targeting...
Country of OriginTAWAN
Two wavelengths in one system Alexandrite (755 nm) and Nd:YAG (1064 nm) Largest spot size and scan area for more effective procedures Exceptional speed for faster patient turnover and increased revenues DMCTM – Revolutionary Dry Spray Cooling technology integrated into the handpieces...
BrandFotona Country of OriginUSA
(SAR43.70 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR75.90 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR55.20 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبرد آلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR34.50 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبرد آلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR34.50 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR43.70 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR75.90 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR75.90 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR55.20 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
(SAR172.50 inc tax)
يعطي اشراقة للبشرة ويساعد في توحيد لون البشرة .- يمنع مظاهر الشيخوخة ويزيل التجاعيد.- يقلل من ظهور البقع الداكنة والتصبغ.- يوحدلون البشرة.- يمكن استخدامه على الوجه والجسم لمناطق الحساسة.- نتائجه تدوم طويلا.-
(SAR172.50 inc tax)
الفابلس منظف و مقشر للوجه و الجسم لاشراقة البشرة.تقشر بشكل طبيعي خلايا الجلد السطحية الميتة وتكشف عن بشرة متوهجة وصحية تحتها.يتميز مقشر الجسم هذا بفوائد تفتيح الندبات ومقاومة الشيخوخة وتقشير البشرة
(SAR253.00 inc tax)
ألفا بلس كريم يساعد في الحصول على بشرة أكثر إشراقاً ونضارة لجمال طبيعي.يوحد لون البشرة و يخفف من مظهر البقع والتصبغات.يمكن استخدامه على الوجه والجسم والأماكن الحساسة افالون الفابلس كريم 50جم يعطي اشراقة للبشرة ويساعد في توحيد لون البشرة 
(SAR157.55 inc tax)
ألفا بلس كريم يساعد في الحصول على بشرة أكثر إشراقاً ونضارة لجمال طبيعي.يوحد لون البشرة و يخفف من مظهر البقع والتصبغات.يمكن استخدامه على الوجه والجسم والأماكن الحساسة
(SAR21.05 inc tax)
يستخدم هذا الدواء لعلاج قشرة الرأس، ويساعد استخدام هذا الدواء في التخفيف من تساقط الشعر والتقشير والحكة المرتبطة بالقشرة.
(SAR28.12 inc tax)
افوكايين بخاخ التخدير الموضعي المصمم خصيصا لتخدير الاغشية المخاطية قبل تعرضها للألم بأشكال و صور عديدة من خياطة جروح او عمليات صغرى و غيرها،
(SAR17.31 inc tax)
حلول موضعي لعلاج حب الشباب
(SAR46.52 inc tax)
أفالون أفوسين كريم مهبلي 2٪ تركيبة فريدة من فوسفات الكليندامايسين.يشار في علاج أعراض التهاب المهبل الجرثومي لدى النساء غير الحوامل.يجب استبعاد مسببات الأمراض الشائعة الأخرى المرتبطة بالتهاب الفرج والمهبل
(SAR19.49 inc tax)
أفضل كريم للفطريات الجلدية،نقدم لكم من خلال متجرنا كريم لعلاج فطريات الجلد و الإلتهابات لجلدية المرتبطة بها احد العلاجات المستخدمة في الأمراض الجلدية و العديد من التخصصات الأخرى
(SAR19.67 inc tax)
يستخدم موميتازون موضعي لتخفيف الاحمرار والتورم والحكة والالتهاب والانزعاج من الأمراض الجلدية المختلفة ، بما في ذلك الصدفية مرض جلدي تتشكل فيه بقع حمراء متقشرة على بعض مناطق الجسم والأكزيما (مرض جلدي
(SAR26.45 inc tax)
ظهر هذا الدواء فعالية مضادة للالتهاب.ومضادة للحكة، ومضادة للنشاط التحسسي. ويتميز بنطاق فعالية واسع المدى في مواجهة الفطريات المسببة للأمراض بما في ذلك الخميرة. والفطريات الجلدية .
(SAR42.84 inc tax)
ظهر هذا الدواء فعالية مضادة للالتهاب.ومضادة للحكة، ومضادة للنشاط التحسسي. ويتميز بنطاق فعالية واسع المدى في مواجهة الفطريات المسببة للأمراض بما في ذلك الخميرة. والفطريات الجلدية .
Minoxidil 2% cutaneous solution What Minoxidil is used for: Minoxidil is used topically on the scalp to treat hereditary hair loss. Do not use Minoxidil If you’re allergic to the active substance or any other component of this medicine. If you have high blood pressure. If you...
(SAR63.83 inc tax)
افالون افوجين 2% محلول لعلاج تساقط الشعر 50مل يمنع تساقط الشعر ويعيد نموة 
Avogen 5% spray contains Minoxidil as an active ingredient for hair. It is specially designed for men because of its concentration of 5%. It helps treat baldness in men. It is effective in treating hereditary baldness and in treating beard hair loss to increase its growth.
Scientific Name Minoxidil Storage Conditions do not store above 30°c   Company Middle East Pharmaceutical Industries Co. Ltd. (MECP)
(SAR75.90 inc tax)
بخاخ أفوجين 5% يحتوي على مينوكسيديل كمادة فعالة للشعر.مصمم خصيصاً للرجال بسبب تركيزه الذي يساوي 5% يساعد على علاج الصلع عند الرجال.فعال في حالات علاج الصلع الوراثي و في علاج تساقط شعر اللحية لزيادة نموها.
(SAR42.55 inc tax)
يجعل رائحة الفم منعشةيعمل على القضاء على كافة الجراثيم المسببة لرائحة الفم الكريهة إستخدامه اليومي يمنح فم نظيف.يساعد على تقوية مينا الأسنان والتخفيف من الفجوات بين الأسنان يعمل على الحد من النقاط البيضاء
(SAR27.60 inc tax)
محلول موضعي يستخدم لازالة الاجزاء الجلدية المتصلبة او الغليظة و الثؤلول
(SAR39.10 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR72.45 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR97.75 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR126.50 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR39.10 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR74.75 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR97.75 inc tax)
يتم استخدامه للحروق والندبات والتئام الجروح
(SAR17.94 inc tax)
كريم أفوكوين 1.9% للتبييض التدريجي لحالات تصبغ البشرة، مثل الكلف وقناع الحمل والنمش والنمشة الضيائية وغيرها من مناطق التصبغ بالملانين غير المرغوب فيها
(SAR38.70 inc tax)
يُستخدم هيدروكينون لتفتيح الجلد في الأجزاء التي تتعرض لتغيرات في اللون بسبب النمش أو الكلف (بقع بنية على الجلد) أو ندب حب الشباب أو البقع التي تظهر مع العمر.
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