Hair Care Products

الشعر الكيرلي عرضه لأن يصبح هش وأقل حيويه وصعب التسريح. ابتكرت مجموعة العناية بالشعر الكيرلي والحفاظ على صحة الشعر وتغذيته ومنع تطاير الشعر. الفوائد الرئيسية: يحتوي على خلاصة الخزامى البحري الغني بالاحماض الأمينية ومجموعة كبيرة من الفيتامينات المرطبة والمغذية للشعر. يغذي وينعم ويحمي الشعر...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
Smoothing and illuminating serum with FrizzyControlPlex. Completes the taming treatment by sealing the hair fiber, avoiding frizz. Does not weigh down hair and leaves it soft and silky. DIRECTIONS: apply to towel-blotted hair after the Shampoo and Mask and spread evenly on the hair. Do not...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
TOPPIK - Hair Thickener Black Color Colored Hair Thickener. Fullmore is a colored texturizing spray that thickens thinning hair on contact. Its special blend of polymers and tiny, colored fibers bond to existing hair. Fullmore won"t flake or rub off and doesn"t clog pores, allowing your...
Hair Building Conditioner Keratinized Hair Building Conditioner Toppik Keratinized Hair Building Conditioner is a deep conditioner that adds thickness to fine or thinning hair.  With its powerful concentration of antioxidants ,  vitamins and hair building Keratin proteins  you will see...
Fiberhold Spray Fiber and Hair Bonder. 60 Day Supply Unlike ordinary hairsprays, Toppik Fiberhold Spray uses sophisticated alpha-grade resins to strengthen the bond between Toppik fibers and thinning hair. It intensifies the magnetic attraction to the hair and ensures that the fibers will...
Toppik fibers are made of all-natural organic keratin protein, the same protein that hair is made of. The fibers in Toppik are charged with static electricity so they intertwine with your own hair and bond securely.  Just shake on the Toppik fi bers ,  they stay in place all day ,...
Toppik Conditioner  with the all-new formula to clean and builds and nourish hair and scalp because it contains a unique and light formula to nourish split, thin and damaged hair. Toppik hair building shampoo  contains  KeratinProteins and aloe Vera , which nourishes and restores damaged...
Toppik fibers are made of all-natural organic keratin protein, the same protein that hair is made of. The fibers in Toppik are charged with static electricity so they intertwine with your own hair and bond securely.  Just shake on the Toppik fi bers ,  they stay in place all day ,...
Toppik shampoo  with the all-new formula to clean and builds and nourish hair and scalp because it contains a unique and light formula to nourish split, thin and damaged hair Toppik   Hair Building shampoo contains  Concentrated Keratin Protein , which is the main component in the hair...
Hair Building Shampoo Keratinized Hair Building Shampoo Toppik Keratinized Hair Building Shampoo delivers micronized Keratin – the very same organic protein as your own hair – to the inside of the hair shafts. The result is  thicker ,  healthier  hair with  less scalp  show-through....
Volumizing Booster serum. Intensifies the effects of the treatment, adding body and volume. Hair is instantly soft and has more body. DIRECTIONS : mix 10 ml of Booster with 20 ml of Mask or Conditioner, apply evenly and leave for 10 min. Rinse and proceed with the application of the most...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
مجموعة تكثيف الشعر العادي مفتقد الحجم.غني بالمواد الطبيعية المغذية لألياف الشعر ليعطي نتائج فورية للشعر بمزيد من القوام وإحساس أكثر سمكاً. الفوائد الرئيسية: يرطب ويغذي الشعر المفتقر للحجم والكثافة. ينعم الشعر ويجلعه أسهل في التصفيف. يقوي الشعر العادي ويضفي سماكة وقوام للشعر. يساعد على نمو...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
Hair lacking in body and volume. With its innovative fomula containing VoluPlex, it strengthens fine hair, adding body and a thicker feel. Hair is immediately transformed, lighter and easy to style. DIRECTIONS: apply evenly, after Shampoo, on towel-blotted hair. Leave a few minutes. Rinse and...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
Volumizing Shampoo for fine hair lacking in volume. Contains VoluPlex. Strengthens the surface of the hair fibre, increasing its volume and the thickness of the hair without weighing it down. Hair is immediately transformed, with more body and a thicker feel. DIRECTIONS : apply evenly to wet...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
FLASH BODY HAIR INHIBITOR AMPULES أمبولات الجسم عالية التركيز لتخفيف شعر الجسم بطريقة غير مؤلمة وآمنه مما يجعل الشعر يبقى أنعم وأقل وضوحًا ويؤخر نموه. - تركيبة فريدة من نوعها طبيعية فعالة لإضعاف الشعر، السكريات النباتية، حمض الهيالورونيك واليوريا. - تضعف شعر الجسم...
تقوم الطحالب البحرية بحماية البشرة من كافه أضرار أشعة الشمس وتحافظ على ترطيب البشرة وحمايتها وزيادة النضارة وتمنحها النعومة 
Color size price بني فاتح 27.5 غرام SAR 339.25 Medium brown 27.5 غرام SAR 339.25 Dark brown 27.5 غرام SAR 339.25 black 27.5 غرام SAR 339.25
MICELLAR BIPHASE EYE MAKE UP REMOVER مزيل مكياج ثنائي الأطوار فائق الفعالية للعيون والشفاه - مشبع بحمض الهيالورونيك . - يزيل المكياج المقاوم للماء. - تركيبة فائقة اللطف للحفاظ على العيون والرموش والشفاه.
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  • SAR17
  • SAR4000