(SAR20.01 inc tax)
تريتينوين هو دواء يستخدم لعلاج حب الشباب.حب الشباب هو اضطراب جلدي التهابي ينتج عن انسداد بصيلات الشعر بالزيت وخلايا الجلد الميتة مما يتسبب في ظهور الرؤوس السوداء أو الرؤوس البيضاء أو البثور
(SAR54.05 inc tax)
يتميز كريم البشرة الشديدة الجفاف من أفالون كير بتركيبته الفريدة التي تحمي وتخفف التشققات والخشونة الناتجة عن الجفاف.يوفر هذا الكريم ترطيباً مذهلاً لبشرتك يدوم لمدة 12 ساعة.معزز بخصائص مضادات الأكسدة لفيتامين
(SAR54.05 inc tax)
غذي ونشطي بشرتك مع كريم القدمين من أفالون كير.يتميز بتركيبته الفريدة للحفاظ على الترطيب اليومي الذي تحتاجه البشرة.يعتبر هذا الكريم مرطب يغذي الجلد ويعمل على تجديد وحماية حاجز الرطوبة في البشرة.
(SAR54.05 inc tax)
غذي ونشطي بشرتك مع كريم اليدين من أفالون كير.يتميز بتركيبته الفريدة للحفاظ على الترطيب اليومي الذي تحتاجه البشرة.يعتبر هذا الكريم مرطب يغذي الجلد ويعمل على تجديد وحماية حاجز الرطوبة في البشرة.
(SAR218.50 inc tax)
يحسن مظهر الندبات ويمنع التكوين المفرط أو غير الطبيعي كما أنه يلين ويقلل من الاحمرار المرتبط بالندبة. يعمل على الحد ظهور الندبات الضخمة، أو تغير لون الجلد. وقد ينتج هذا النوع من الندبات عن الجراحة أو الإصابة أو الحرق أو حب الشباب، أو لدغات الحشرات وغيرها .
(SAR115.00 inc tax)
يحسن مظهر الندبات ويمنع التكوين المفرط أو غير الطبيعي كما أنه يلين ويقلل من الاحمرار المرتبط بالندبة. يعمل على الحد ظهور الندبات الضخمة، أو تغير لون الجلد. وقد ينتج هذا النوع من الندبات عن الجراحة أو الإصابة أو الحرق أو حب الشباب، أو لدغات الحشرات وغيرها .
(SAR126.50 inc tax)
يحمي بشرتك من الآثار الضارة لأشعة الشمس، ويحافظ عليها شابة وصحية ونضرةيؤمن وقاية سريعة ويمنع حدوث علامات شيخوخة البشرة الناجمة عن التعرض لأشعة الشمس.مناسب للاستخدام اليومي للوجه أو الجسم.طريقة
(SAR86.25 inc tax)
يحمي بشرتك من الآثار الضارة لأشعة الشمس، ويحافظ عليها شابة وصحية ونضرةيؤمن وقاية سريعة ويمنع حدوث علامات شيخوخة البشرة الناجمة عن التعرض لأشعة الشمس.مناسب للاستخدام اليومي للوجه أو الجسم.طريقة
(SAR143.75 inc tax)
يحمي بشرتك من الآثار الضارة لأشعة الشمس، ويحافظ عليها شابة وصحية ونضرةيؤمن وقاية سريعة ويمنع حدوث علامات شيخوخة البشرة الناجمة عن التعرض لأشعة الشمس.مناسب للاستخدام اليومي للوجه أو الجسم.طريقة
(SAR126.50 inc tax)
بخاخ سهل الاستخدام يعمل بتقنية البشرة الرطبة ويؤمن حماية كاملة من أشعة الشمس.مكونات نباتية ونشطة بالكامل: يحمي شمع النحل حاجز رطوبة البشرة.وكما أن خلاصة بكتيريا السمسم والحنة والقمح
(SAR57.50 inc tax)
الإحساس بالبردآلام العضلات والمفاصل الإغاثة السريعة رول أون طرف كروي تطبيق حر اليدين
Use The cream moisturizes, treats, and protects against cracks in the foot   Product Features? An advanced formula moisturizes the foot, protects and treats cracks, and removes them It protects the skin moisture barrier for up to 12 hours   How to use it? Apply the...
avaloncare Hand Cream with Lemongrass fragrance keeps dry hands feeling softer, smoother, and protected throughout the day. Enriched with Shea Butter and Jojoba Oil to nourish and soften dry hands. Enhanced with vitamin E antioxidant properties to reduce the signs of aging How to use:...
Your feet will receive the daily moisturization they require from AvalonCare Foot Cream to remain soft and smooth. For people with dry, flaky, or cracked skin on their feet, this moisturizer is ideal. Our solution replenishes the skin by hydrating it quickly and deeply for up to 12 hours....
K JELLY is a transparent gel and water soluble Intended as a personal lubricant to be used on the genital area, chafing areas and condoms and can be used as a lubricant for gynecological and medical procedures K JELLY does not stain or leave traces on clothes nor surface.
Avalon cream for the pain of nursing mothers It is a moisturizing and soothing cream for the nipples can be used by the mother from the end of the eighth month of birth and after birth where It works to create and moisturize the nipples for breastfeeding and this helps the mother not to...
It is used for superficial anesthesia of the skin in connection with needle insertion, before laser treatments, before waxing and for superficial surgical procedures. concentration: Lidocaine 2.5%, Prilocaine 2.5% Cream 5g. Active ingredients: lidocaine, prilocaine Taste: There is no How...
(SAR63.25 inc tax)
أفالون بريلا 5% كريم (5*5) جم مخدر موضعي:وصف المنتج:هو كريم يحتوي على الليدوكايين والبريلوكايين وهما عبارة عن مادتين تعمل كل منهما كمخدر موضعي تُستخدم لتخدير الجلد
(SAR46.00 inc tax)
Scientific Name Normal Saline Spray   Category Of Avalon Salinose Nasal Spray Saline Nasal Spray   Mechanism Of Action Of Normal Saline Nasal Spray Saline will reduce the thick mucus secretions in the sinuses and nose and help wash away particles, allergens, and germs....
(SAR58.65 inc tax)
كريم يوريا المرطب يأتي مع حمض اللاكتيك لتوفير مزايا إضافية لتنعيم بشرتك الجافة.مع العديد من المكونات الفعالة والتي تمنح بشرتك المواد الغذائية الحيوية والحماية التي تحتاجها للبقاء رطبة وصحية.يحتوي الكريم على خصائص
(SAR57.50 inc tax)
دش مهبلي يتميز بمفعوله الرائع الواسع المدى الذي يعمل على قتل الميكروبات والتخلص منها دش منظف يعالج الكانديدا والتريكوموناس وعدوى المهبل العامة يعتبر علاج فعال للغاية في حالات التهاب المهبل
(SAR63.25 inc tax)
فالون دش مهبلي ذو مفعول واسع المدي كقاتل للميكروبات . دش منظف لعلاج الكانديدا والتريكوموناس وعدوي المهبل العامة .
(SAR51.75 inc tax)
فارا للقضاء على القمل المزود ببخاخ من افالون. عبارة عن سائل شفاف يحتوي علي مادة دايمثيكون 92% وهي مادة سيليكونية تستخدم للتخلص من قمل الراس وبيضه بعد استعمال واحد. تركيبة مثالية ولطيفة على رأس طفلك
It is a transparent liquid that contains 92% dimethicone, which is a silicone substance used to get rid of head lice and its eggs after one use. A revolutionary treatment to get rid of lice and their eggs in a physical way without chemicals and without the appearance of resistance from the lice.
Philips Avent bottle is specially designed to give babies the same feeling of breastfeeding. This feature is important and influential in the way the baby breastfeeds as many babies refuse to breastfeed. When using a bottle that does not resemble the design of the natural nipple, the child's...
Natural latch on due to the wide breast shaped teat Ultra soft teat designed to mimic the feel of the breast Flexible spiral design combined with comfort petals Anti-colic valve designed to reduce colic and discomfort
Anti-colic bottle is designed to keep air away from your baby's tummy to reduce colic and discomfort, while also minimizing feeding interruptions. With its integrated anti-colic valve, air is vented away from the baby's tummy. The teat shape allows secure latch and the ribbed texture helps...
The AirFree™ vent is designed to help your baby swallow less air. The teat stays full of milk, even when horizontal, for upright feeding. Reducing the air a baby ingests can help ease common feeding issues like colic, gas, and reflux.   Benefits Locks milk in, keeps air out, for easy...
The Anti-Colic Bottle is designed to prevent air from entering your baby's tummy, reducing colic and fussiness, while minimizing interruptions during feeding. Thanks to the built-in anti-colic valve, air is directed away from your baby's tummy. Slow Flow Nipple 9 oz/260 ml 1 month or older
The Anti-colic bottle is designed to keep air away from your baby’s tummy to reduce colic and discomfort, while also minimizing feeding interruptions. With its integrated anti-colic valve, air is vented away from the baby’s tummy. It is designed to keep air away from your baby’s tummy to reduce...
Our soft and anti-collapse ribbed teat is designed for growing babies. The comfort petals and natural teat shape allows natural latch on and makes it easy to combine breast and bottle feeding.
Flexible spiral design combined with comfort petals Anti-colic valve designed to reduce colic and discomfort Natural latch on due to the wide breast shaped teat Ultra soft teat designed to mimic the feel of the breast Brand AVENT Size 2 Count (Pack of 1)...
Slow flow teats. Our Anti-colic teat is designed for uninterrupted feeding. Air is vented into the bottle and away from the baby’s tummy. The ribbed texture prevents teat collapse and reduces feeding interruptions and discomfort.
Our Anti-colic teat is designed for uninterrupted feeding. Air is vented into the bottle and away from the baby’s tummy. The ribbed texture prevents teat collapse and reduces feeding interruptions and discomfort. Clinically proven to reduce colic and discomfort*2 pcs Medium flow teat 3m+
Our Anti-colic teat is designed for uninterrupted feeding. Air is vented into the bottle and away from the baby’s tummy. The ribbed texture prevents teat collapse and reduces feeding interruptions and discomfort.   Benefits Anti-colic valve proven to reduce colic60% less fussing at...
Lemon nail polish remover Enjoy nail polish remover with a distinctive lemon scent Designed to gently remove nail polish, glitter or nail glue from your nails and leave them beautifully clean Its formula works quickly and effectively, removing even the toughest polish Saudi product...
Enjoy nail polish remover with a distinctive strawberry scent Designed to gently remove nail polish, glitter or nail glue from your nails and leave them beautifully clean Its formula works quickly and effectively, removing even the toughest polish Saudi product How to use: Easy to...
Contains a group of fragrant and refreshing oils and herbs for the mouth
(SAR54.22 inc tax)
Bielenda AVOCADO Double-phase Makeup Remover is a gentle, exceptionally delicate and yet extremely effective make-up remover. Thanks to a special 2-phase formula, it effectively and completely removes even the most powerful WATERPROOF MASK. Nourishing 2-phase make-up remover Suitable for...
Axe Black night Reflects the intention of the masculine warm & subtle fragrance. The scent of AXE Black Night brings in its top note is a blend of cardamom, ginger root, grapefruit and pear. At the heart, followed by a warm touch of Cashmere Wood, orange blossom, allspice berries, lavender...
Axe Deo Bs Gold Temptation : This darkly smooth and spicy scent mixes your wild and sophisticated sides. Goes on smoothly and provides all day freshness and odor protection. Cools You Down By 6 Degrees Because you're hotter when you're chill Twist cap, shake can, spray body, punch air...
Ingredients: Sodium Bicarbonate, Glycerin, Benzalkonium Chloride, purified, water. How to use: wash sensitive areas with B-Eve cleanser once daily without dilution or as directed.
The Baby Zone breastfeeding brush ensures that the breastfeeding brush is cleaned of all milk residues stuck to it, no matter how dry it is, as it is characterized by very dense bristles that clean the breastfeeding and nipple extremely well in just a few seconds. The long hook handle of the...
Baby Zone Cotton Cover For Breast 6Pcs
Baby Zone glass milk bottle 240 ml The Baby Zone bottle is made of 100% pure and healthy glass, which is the safest for your baby’s milk. It is equipped with a soft silicone nipple with an innovative design that encourages the baby’s natural tongue movement. It also works to reduce the...
Soother with fixed cover (self-locking) Baby Zone A natural feeling of the nipple: give the baby the same sensation of the nipple in breastfeeding, it is made of soft and flexible silicone that adapts to the baby"s mouth and encourages the movement of the natural tongue, which makes it...
Plastic kids box set Number of pieces: 3 layers Elegant and modern design High thickness and quality Suitable for frequent use.
The Baby Zone baby milk dispenser is made of the highest and finest types of pure and healthy plastic and comes in a transparent color so that you can see the contents of the containers without having to open them. It is designed with a tight and elegant cover that provides ease of use....
Baby Zone large size breastfeeding nipples, 2 pieces. A soft, high-quality, flexible medical silicone nipple that gives the baby the feeling of breastfeeding. Wide nipple neck allows for fast milk flow. Safe, BPA free and easy to clean. Suitable for children aged 6 months and over.
Soft and flexible silicone nipple gives baby the feeling of breastfeeding. Wide nipple neck allows for fast milk flow. Safe, BPA free and easy to clean.
Baby Zone large size breastfeeding nipples, 2 pieces. A soft, high-quality, flexible medical silicone nipple that gives the baby the feeling of breastfeeding. Wide nipple neck allows for fast milk flow. Safe, BPA free and easy to clean.
Re-establishing multifunction balm for any type of scalp and hair. The precious synergy of essential oils and natural substances restores the skin equilibrium, giving a pleasant sense of wellbeing. Balm pH3 Relax prevents and calms down itches, softening the skin, and with a moisturizing and...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
It is a bath loofah set for all skin types Rich in foam, cleanses and softens the skin. With long-lasting effect. Rinse well after each use
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
منشفة حمام بمقبض بلون جميل - بمساعدة الصابون أو جل الاستحمام، تخلق طبقة غنية من الرغوة وتنظف وتنعيم البشرة. مع تأثير طويل الأمد. شطف جيدا بعد كل استخدام. اختيار اللون غير ممكن حاليا. تقوم الشركة المصنعة بتغليف المنتجات. 
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Bamboo baby shower mitt. The bamboo glove is specially woven from soft bamboo. Our bamboo baby glove can be used safely on baby's sensitive skin.
(SAR29.90 inc tax)
Baby bath sponge. The sponge is made of highly absorbent natural cellulose. Thanks to its delicate formula, it is suitable for all skin types. It can be used from birth. The elastic strap ensures easy grip.
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Exfoliation with natural soap. Exfoliation deeply cleanses and removes blackheads with its exfoliating effect. After moisturizing, it softens and soothes the skin without irritation. Create lather by rubbing. After use
(SAR9.95 inc tax)
Palmi Nostic Extra. Cleanses and softens the skin with soap or shower gel that creates a rich lather. Rinse well after each use.
(SAR9.95 inc tax)
Extra large bath towel. The cloth creates a rich layer of foam, cleanses and softens the skin with a long-lasting effect. Suitable for all skin types.  Color selection is currently not possible. The manufacturer packages the products
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Mango Pineapple Soap Bath Towel - Soap Bath Towel.
(SAR9.95 inc tax)
Average palmi nostic. Cleanses and softens the skin with soap or shower gel that creates a rich lather. Rinse well after each use.
(SAR29.90 inc tax)
Natural loofah shower glove - deeply cleanses the skin and removes blackheads thanks to its exfoliating effect. After moisturizing, it softens and does not cause irritation to the skin.
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Facial peeling couples a powerful exfoliating effect
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Natural loofah sponge for bathing. Loofah exfoliation perfectly deep cleanses the skin. Dimensions of peeling disc 12x12 cm.
(SAR14.95 inc tax)
Natural loofah exfoliating tablet for the bathroom. Loofah exfoliation perfectly deep cleanses the skin. Dimensions of peeling disc 9x6 cm.
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Olive Soap Bath Towel - Olive Soap Bath Pillow.
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
Strawberry Soap Bath Towel - Soap Bath Pillow
(SAR19.95 inc tax)
White Soap Bath Towel - Soap Bath Pillow.
Say goodbye to hair loss with BE Long Vitamin Hair Tonic Spray for Women, it contains dexpanthenol, jojoba oil and castor oil. A three-ingredient product that strengthens hair roots, moisturizes, repairs, lengthens and thickens hair.
Say goodbye to hair loss with Be Long Hair Strengthening Vitamin Spray for Women, it contains dexpanthenol, jojoba oil and castor oil. A three-part product that strengthens hair roots, moisturizes, repairs, lengthens and thickens hair.
Nishman balm is quickly absorbed, providing moisture to the cells at the microscopic level, relieves itching and flaking of the skin, and also makes the beard and mustache soft, pleasant to the touch and healthy, which positively affects the individual's feelings and the subsequent styling...
Perfect beard care starts here Beard and Mustache Shampoo is the perfect solution for a clean, soft and healthy beard and mustache.
Protects against the reappearance of acne. Removes acne from the face, neck and chest. Acne remover (scrub) It is used to combat acne and blackhead pimples. Wash the face, then gently apply the cream to the affected areas. Use it daily before bed. Do not touch...
Collagen cream to supply and moisturize the lips and plump the lips
It contains carefully selected natural ingredients that work to: Maintaining the acidity of the vagina, which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, eliminates unpleasant odors, and prevents their recurrence. Reduces sensitive areas, giving a wonderful sense of confidence and...
It contains carefully selected natural ingredients that work to: Maintaining the acidity of the vagina, which prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, eliminates unpleasant odors, and prevents their recurrence. Reduces sensitive areas, giving a wonderful sense of confidence and...
Contains SPF 50 sunscreen Prevents the formation and spread of melanin Stimulates skin cell renewal Gentle skin exfoliator as it contains lactic acid Soothes the skin Unifies skin tone Nourishes skin cells as it contains vitamin (C. E) Reduces dark circles around the eyes How...
Designed for people with dark spots, freckles, signs of aging and sun spots Helps reduce brown marks and prevent their reappearance Contains exfoliating ingredients Specific for elbows and knees Deep whitening High protection Used to lighten and moisturize the elbow and knee area...
Contains natural and effective materials that work to whiten sensitive areas and armpits in an amazing way in a short time and return these areas to their natural whiteness and free of impurities The most important ingredients: Orchid flower extract (vitamin C) Licorice root extract...
Bebecom Glycerin Cream 50 Ml Bebecom Glycerin Cream Is Rich In Active, Rejuvenating Ingredients And Balanced Glycerin Moisturizing Properties That Protect The Skin From Harsh Elements. Instantly Moisturizes Rough, Dry And Cracked Skin. Glycerin Is A High-Performance Skin Care Cream, Carefully...
Glycerin is a high performance skin care cream, carefully formulated for sensitive and problem dry skin. Enriched with regenerative active ingredients and the balancing moisturizing properties of glycerin that protect skin against harsh elements.
Do away with rough skin and calluses with the efficient Glycerin Bebecom 125 ml. This cream offers an effective solution for skin dryness and natural glow. It’s mineral, and organic ingredients remove dead skins and smoothen the outer layer of the skin. Glycerin Bebecom is suitable for...
It cleanses the feminine sensitive skin restores vaginal moisture & fights bad odors provides purifying, soothing & antimicrobial benefits How to use: Lather a small quantity with lukewarm water, massage the skin and then rinse off. Ingredients: Coconut Glucoside....
An innovative, safe & highly effective 48hr antiperspirant deodorant that works to fight body odor, adsorb moisture & soothe the skin while lightening & evening skin tone for clean & bright underarms. How to use: Use daily. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry underarms. Allow to dry...
An innovative, safe & highly effective 48hr antiperspirant deodorant that works to fight body odor, adsorb moisture & soothe the skin while lightening & evening skin tone for clean & bright underarms. How to use: Use daily. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry underarms. Allow to dry...
An innovative, safe & highly effective 48hr antiperspirant deodorant that works to fight body odor, adsorb moisture & soothe the skin while lightening & evening skin tone for clean & bright underarms. How to use: Use daily. Apply a thin layer to clean, dry underarms. Allow to dry...
An innovative skin-friendly formula that absorbs moisture, prevents dour & moisturizes underarms. Suitable for sensitive skin. Suitable for Hajjis during Ihram period. How to use: Apply a thin layer to clean, dry underarms. Allow to dry before dressing. Caution & Warnings:...
A mixture of concentrated natural herbs that gives a feeling of pleasure. A safe formula that gives a feeling of pleasure and no fatigue during intercourse.  It softens and moisturizes the skin
Calamzan cream to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, which consists of a group of herbal products that work to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin and give it elasticity  Softness and vitality are again the most prominent features and benefits
Calamzan cream to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, which consists of a group of herbal products that work to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin and give it elasticity  Softness and vitality are again the most prominent features and benefits
It helps maintain the pH balance in the sensitive area. It cleans sensitive areas well. It prevents itching, irritation, dryness, and bad odor and makes you feel fresh all day long.
Women's gel for sensitive area. Hayman Gel consists of five effective and natural ingredients that have many benefits that work to improve reshaping and healing.  Vaginal tissue after childbirth. The most prominent features and benefits
(SAR126.50 inc tax)
يساعد بيبانثين على منع تكوين الندوب الحمراء والمرتفعة (الندبات الضخامية) بعد التئام الجروح . كما يساعد على تنعيم وتلطيف وتسطح الندوب القديمة .يخفف من الاحمرار والحكة والشد التي تحصل عادة مع الندوب .لاتستخدم كرة التدليك على الجروح الملتئمة
(SAR119.60 inc tax)
ديكسبانثينول الذي يصل بعمق في البشرة لإصلاح توقف عملية تجدد الخلايا فيتامين ب3 لتهدئة تهيج البشرة الجافة دهون طبيعية تشمل زبدة الشيا وزيت الأرجان لتعويض دهون البشرة المفقودة
(SAR85.96 inc tax)
منظف للوجه لاستعادة حيوية البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة منتج علاجي للعناية بالبشرة صنعته بيبانثين وهو مختبر من قبل أطباء الجلد يحتوي على 0% عطور، 0% مواد حافظة، 0% ألوان تلطف تركيبته الغنية الفريدة البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة وتهدئها وتعززها بترطيب إضافي يعالج سبب الجفاف الأساسي ودعم الحماية...
(SAR129.61 inc tax)
كريم نهار للوجه لاستعادة حيوية البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة منتج علاجي للعناية بالبشرة صنعته بيبانثين وهو مختبر من قبل أطباء الجلد يحتوي على 0% عطور، 0% مواد حافظة، 0% ألوان تلطف تركيبته الغنية الفريدة البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة وتهدئها وتعززها بترطيب إضافي يعالج سبب الجفاف الأساسي ودعم...
(SAR155.25 inc tax)
ديكسبانثينول يصل بعمق في البشرة لإصلاح توقف عملية تجدد الخلايا فيتامين ب3 لتهدئة تهيج البشرة الجافة الجلسرين لمنح ترطيب فوري طويل المفعول لوشن يومي للجسم لاستعادة حيوية البشرة
(SAR94.30 inc tax)
لوشن يومي للجسم لاستعادة حيوية البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة منتج علاجي للعناية بالبشرة صنعته بيبانثين وهو مختبر من قبل أطباء الجلد يحتوي على 0% عطور، 0% مواد حافظة، 0% ألوان.تلطف تركيبته الغنية الفريدة البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة وتهدئها وتعززها بترطيب إضافي يعالج سبب الجفاف الأساسي ودعم...
لوشن بيبانثين ديرما معالج بتركيبة الإصلاح الخاصة لحل مشكلة جفاف البشرة من الجذور لتصل إلى طبقات الجلد العميقة لتمنحك ترطيبًا فوريًا طويل المفعول حيث تدعم تركيبة الإصلاح التي تحتوي على فيتامين ب5 تجديد البشرة
لوشن بيبانثين ديرما معالج بتركيبة الإصلاح الخاصة لحل مشكلة جفاف البشرة من الجذور لتصل إلى طبقات الجلد العميقة لتمنحك ترطيبًا فوريًا طويل المفعول حيث تدعم تركيبة الإصلاح التي تحتوي على فيتامين ب5 تجديد البشرة
Bepanthen Nappy Care protective baby ointment gently cares for your baby's delicate skin. The formulation of this ointment contains the active ingredient Pro Vitamin B5, which helps you properly care for young sensitive skin After applying a thin layer the ointment helps skin regeneration,...
(SAR125.64 inc tax)
كريم نهار للوجه لاستعادة حيوية البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة منتج علاجي للعناية بالبشرة صنعته بيبانثين وهو مختبر من قبل أطباء الجلد يحتوي على 0% عطور، 0% مواد حافظة، 0% ألوان تلطف تركيبته الغنية الفريدة البشرة شديدة الجفاف والحساسة وتهدئها وتعززها بترطيب إضافي يعالج سبب الجفاف الأساسي ودعم...
Bepanthen Plus Wound Healing cream effectively protects your skin from infection and inflammation whenever it gets cut or scratched. This disinfectant cream has special formula, with carefully chosen, high quality healing agents, speeds up the recovery process of damaged skin Bepanthen Plus...
(SAR55.20 inc tax)
من عائلة بيبانثين للإكزيما،التي توفر الراحة والحماية للبشرة الحساسة والمعرضة للإكزيما تركيبته الفعالة الخالية من الكورتيزون تتكون من مكونات علاجية عالية الجودة.كما أنه لا يحتوي على مواد حافظة أو عطور
Bepanthen moisturizing cream for drying, damaged skin gently aids natural skin recovery, while keeping it soft, smooth and moisturized. This light formulation swiftly penetrates the skin exposed to drying and damaging environmental factors Bepanthen cream contains the active substance...
(SAR67.85 inc tax)
للعناية بالجلد المتعرض للجفاف و المتضرر يحتوي بيبانثين كريم على المادة الفعالة ديكسبانثينول في مستحلب دهني قليلا شديد الامتصاص و تتحول المادة الفعالة ديكسابنثينول الى حمض البانتوثنيك الذي يدعم نمو وتجديد البشرة من الداخل. كما أن الكريم لدي تأثير مبرد ومهدئ ويعود الفضل في ذلك إلى محتواه العالي من...
(SAR22.94 inc tax)
للعناية بالجلد المتعرض للجفاف و المتضرر يحتوي بيبانثين كريم على المادة الفعالة ديكسبانثينول في مستحلب دهني قليلا شديد الامتصاص و تتحول المادة الفعالة ديكسابنثينول الى حمض البانتوثنيك الذي يدعم نمو وتجديد البشرة من الداخل. كما أن الكريم لدي تأثير مبرد ومهدئ ويعود الفضل في ذلك إلى محتواه العالي من...
BrandBepanthen Size100
(SAR51.75 inc tax)
مرهم مصمم خصيصًا لحماية بشرة الطفل الرقيقة والعناية بها. تركيبته مصممة للعلاج من التشققات والجفاف وطفح الحفاضات لتحمي بشرة طفلك طوال اليوم. تركيبته المميزة غنية بالزيت لتشكل طبقة واقية على الجلد لتحافظ على رطوبته. بهذا المرهم اللطيف ستكون بشرة طفلك ناعمة ومحمية.
(SAR17.25 inc tax)
مرهم مصمم خصيصًا لحماية بشرة الطفل الرقيقة والعناية بها. تركيبته مصممة للعلاج من التشققات والجفاف وطفح الحفاضات لتحمي بشرة طفلك طوال اليوم. تركيبته المميزة غنية بالزيت لتشكل طبقة واقية على الجلد لتحافظ على رطوبته. بهذا المرهم اللطيف ستكون بشرة طفلك ناعمة ومحمية.
BrandBepanthen Size100
(SAR14.20 inc tax)
يعمل كريم بيبانثين بلاس مع مزيج من مطهّر لطيف والبرو فيتامين B5. يعمل بطريقة لطيفة لمنع العدوى، بينما يسرّع برو فيتامين B5من عملية التجدد الطبيعية للبشرة، مما يستعمل احتمال التهاب الجروح مثل الخدوش، والجروح الطفيفة ، والتشققات الحروق، والكدمات
BrandBepanthen Size100
Achieve clear, blemish-free skin with Best Foaming Cleanser for oily and combination skin. Explore the advantages of purifying and cleansing your skin with this effective foaming wash from Best. The carefully crafted formula deeply cleanses the skin without causing dryness or irritation,...
Unlock your skin’s high potential with our specially crafted Best High Potential Cream. High Potential cream that’s formulated with a powerful blend of key ingredients to address various skincare needs. Elevate your skincare routine and experience the transformative benefits of this dynamic...
An enriching blend of meticulously chosen ingredients crafted to illuminate and nurture your skin. Uncover the radiant benefits of this lotion, which focuses on: Brightening and Unifying Skin Tone. Enhancing Radiance and Freshness. Spot and Pigmentation Reduction. Moisturizing, Soothing,...
Treat your skin to the ultimate hydration experience with our incredible Best Winter Care Cream.   This unique fast-absorbing formula works its magic to deeply hydrate your skin and defend against unpredictable weather changes, leaving you with a consistently soft and supple complexion all...
(SAR264.50 inc tax)
Stimulates hair follicles and encourages growth or thickening of existing hair Experience the delight of resilient and vibrant hair with Renzi Anti-Fall Hair aRevel in the benefits that these ampoules bring: Prevent Hair Loss. Stimulate Scalp Circulation. Promote Hair Growth and Density....
Achieve a harmonious, matte complexion with Best Sebum Regulating Facial Fluid. Face fluid that’s crafted specifically for oily and combination skin, this fluid boasts a unique formula enriched with thoughtfully chosen ingredients to invigorate the skin and diminish shine, all without inducing...
NORMAL TO COMBINATION SKIN Non-comedogenic Enjoy confident and protected skin every day with the nourishing and shielding qualities of Best Sobee photo screen. Crafted photo screen with an innovative formula for optimal skin protection, Sobee Sunscreen blends specialized ingredients with a...
Achieve a radiant complexion with our Best Whitening Cream.   A luxurious formulation that combines potent ingredients to brighten, nourish, and rejuvenate your skin. Unveil your natural glow and enjoy a more even and luminous skin tone, this cream works to: Lighten and unify skin tone....
Antiseptic solution for minor cuts, scrapes or burns Product BenefitsOriginal formula trusted by doctors and hospitalsInstantly kills germs that can cause infection Instructions for useClean the affected area
It is used to treat cases of vaginal inflammation resulting from bacterial or fungal infections. How to use Use up to twice daily for a maximum of two weeks.
Antiseptic solution for minor cuts, scrapes or burns Product BenefitsOriginal formula trusted by doctors and hospitalsInstantly kills germs that can cause infection Instructions for useClean the affected area
For personal hygiene, disinfection, deodorization, and killing bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and yeasts.
It is used as an antiseptic for a limited time, on damaged skin, such as decubitus ulcers (bed ulcers), leg ulcers (leg ulcers), superficial wounds and burns, infected and severely infected skin conditions.
Bigen Hair Color Speedy Conditioner. Hair color conditioner with speedy darkening covers your gray in 5 min. The unique, vital moisturizing formula enriches and moisturize your hair. Suitable for men and women. Easy and comfortable application: just comb through, applying non-drip cream...
Bigen Hair Color Speedy Conditioner. Hair color conditioner with speedy darkening covers your gray in 5 min. The unique, vital moisturizing formula enriches and moisturize your hair. Suitable for men and women. Easy and comfortable application: just comb through, applying non-drip cream...
Bigen Hair Color Mens Speedy :  "Easily Cover your grey hair in 5 minutes " Product Features :      No Mixing : Squeeze out the same amount of cream from both tubes on Applicator Comb. No need to premix the creams.      Easy & Speedy : Comb...
Bigen Hair Color Mens Speedy :  "Easily Cover your grey hair in 5 minutes " Product Features :      No Mixing : Squeeze out the same amount of cream from both tubes on Applicator Comb. No need to premix the creams.      Easy & Speedy : Comb...
Hair color is a fun way to ramp up one’s appearance. Yet, they damage the hair, stripping it off of its moisture.  The Bigen’s hair color powder helps you achieve your desired look without harming it.  The exclusive formula gives permanent coverage and is safe to apply to the roots.  It...
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