Medical air mattress / Hillrom P290


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Technical features

•Redistribute effective air pressure
•Airbags made of highly expandable polyurethane
•Compact and lightweight air supply unit
•Designed to prevent and treat up to the second stage of skin ulcers
•The feature of choosing the type of pressure inside the mattress between continuous low pressure or alternating pressure
•Rapid deflation valve for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
•Audible and visual pressure warning feature
•Less effort in moving the patient
•Easy to use and easy to place under the patient
•Transport mode feature keeps air inside the mattress for 10 hours
•The mattress cover is waterproof, moisture permeable, two-way stretchable, antibacterial and antifungal
Technical Specifications
•Mattress weight ± 7.8 kg
•Mattress length is 203 cm
•Mattress width is 90 cm
•Mattress height is 10 cm
•Maximum mattress weight: 150 kg
•Visual alarm in case of low pressure, navigation mode, malfunction, electrical short
•Audible alarm in case of low pressure, navigation mode, malfunction, electrical short
Cycle duration if alternating pressure is selected: 10, 15, 20, or 25 minutes
•The weight of the controller is 2.2 kg
•Air flow rate 10 liters/min
•Noise level (ISO 3744): max. 45 dB(A)
•Airbags are made of polyurethane


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