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Heavy duty stretcher made of high quality double durable nylon fabrics.
The nylon fabric is tear and water and liquid repellent which makes the stretcher easy to clean and care for and extends the stretcher"s service life.
The stretcher is equipped with transverse straps to secure the patient to the stretcher during movement.
The stretcher frame is equipped with 8 handles to distribute the patient"s weight to the paramedics.
The handles are provided with a rubber insulator that increases durability, reduces hand friction with the handle, and increases the paramedic"s bearing of the patient"s weight.
The stretcher is soft, practical and lightweight, designed to be folded into a bag when stored.
The stretcher can be used in stadiums, inside ambulances, and at emergency entrances.
The stretcher can bear a weight of up to 135 kg.
Stretcher weight: 2.2 kg.
Stretcher dimensions: 180×70 cm.
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