Tweezer Micro Cooley 1048

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Used to facilitate grasping, manipulation, compression or joining of tissue and ligature. It typically has two main designs: 1) a self-retaining, scissors-like design with ring handles with the working end having a variety of blade designs, e.g., straight, angled, or curved with parallel grooves or serrations to provide grip; and 2) tweezers-like design (may be a micro/fine instrument) with two conjoined blade with serrated tips at the working end. Micro
Atraumatic tissue tweezer, for gripping membrane and tissue safely. The special serration prevents the perforation of the tissue.

Instrument name: Cooley (160 mm)
Tip: Curved, Serrated, Grooved
Tip Material: Stainless Steel
Handle: Round, Serrated
Handle Material: Stainless Steel

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