Scissors Ring Lock Straight 110mm 3596

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RING LOCK Used for different purposes, such as cutting of the gums, sutures or bandages. With smooth or toothed/serrated blades and pointed or beveled tips for specific different surgical purposes. Ring Lock System® consists in 2 bearings (one in stainless steel and one in aluminum) and a Teflons ring: all 3 parts are assembled together under pressure. Thanks to this system, the blades are moving on a circumference that is 60% larger than a traditional scissor. This is the key for a smoother and more precise cut, allowing a longer duration of the cutting edge. The internal Teflon ring is auto lubricant and a not deformable material (used in the autoclave).

Instrument name: Ring lock (110 mm)
Tip: S/S
Tip Material: Stainless Steel
Handle: Straight
Handle Material: Stainless Steel

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