Backless Swivel Doctor Chair DP-Y912 (YB08+YB06) PU RH15 With aluminum footrest

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Product Size : L60*W60*H83/95cm
Packing Size : 58*58*20cm
CBM/pc : 0.07CBM
Weight/kgs : N.W.:8kgs G.W.:9kgs
One of the most important components of the dental office is a comfortable ergonomic chair to work in. DongPin understands the value of ergonomics in the dental office and is proud to offer our micro surgeon stool to suit the dental operatory.
It comes standard with extra lumbar support and adjustable lever for height to keep you working commodiously .
Function Description:
1. Height adjustable.
2. Handrest /backrest available.
3. Plastic base / aluminium alloy base available
4. Grey plastic wheels.
5. Suitable for medical, beauty, tattoo.

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