Hydraulic Gynecological Examination Chair DP-YF010 PVC 137 (Wine Red)

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Size: 190 * 64/84 * 65 * 90 CM
Packing size: 194 * 69 * 70 CM
Net weight; 55 KG
Gross weight: 65 KG
Maximum load: 150 KG

detailed description:
Back length: 86CM
Seat length: 48CM
Leg length: 43CM
Overall height adjustment: 55.7-90.6 CM
Seat tilt adjustment: 0-20 °
Leg tilt adjustment: 0-90 °
Back tilt adjustment: -3 ° -80 °
Foot rest adjustment: both height and tilt can be adjusted manually

YF010 is a newly designed chassis. The hardware structure will be relatively new. The upper and lower parts are controlled by hydraulic rods, the head and seat are controlled by pneumatic rods, and the legs are controlled by mechanical structures.

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