Response Biomedical The RAMP® CK-MB patient test

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Upon Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), there are a number of biochemical markers that are released into the bloodstream. One of these markers is the MB isoform of creatine kinase (CK-MB). CK-MB is found primarily in cardiac tissue with substantially lower levels in skeletal muscle [1 to 5]. CK-MB levels become elevated within 6 hours after onset of chest pain returning to normal levels within 48 to 72 hours [4].

The RAMP® CK-MB test is a quantitative immunochromatographic test for the determination of CK-MB in EDTA whole blood. The EDTA whole blood is mixed with buffer and antibodycoated, labeled particles, and applied into the sample well of the test cartridge. The red blood cells are retained in the sample pad and the separated plasma migrates along the strip. Fluorescent-dyed particles coated with anti-CK-MB antibodies bind to CK-MB, if present in the sample. As the sample migrates along the strip, CK-MB-bound particles are captured at the detection zone and excess fluorescent-dyed particles are captured at the control zone.

Response Biomedical
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