Candela Mini Gentleyag Mgy High Voltage Power Supply Hvps

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This power supply is compatible with the following Candela machines:

Mini Gentle Yag MGY.
Candela High Voltage Power Supply Important Information

Failure to send your machine for routine maintenance every 6-12 months can cause several issues with your machine and power supply. Here is how it works. The High Voltage Power Supply is responsible for providing energy to your laser or IPL machine. This energy feeds the components, enabling them to perform a needed treatment. If the machine components have become dusty or they have been worn down due to extensive use or mishandling, or the flash lamp has been worn down to the point where it does not hold same energy, the power supply will need to work harder in order to compensate. If your power supply continues to work harder in order to compensate for issues in other components, it will eventually seize to work.

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