Sinus Advanced Kit/15 Pieces 1673/7

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Contains :
1309/1 Sinus lift n.1
1309/2 Sinus lift n.2
1309/7 Sinus lift n.7
1321/2 Osteotome convex Ø 3,2mm
1321/3 Osteotome convex Ø 3,7mm
1321/7 Osteotome c convex Ø 3,2mm bayonet
1321/8 Osteotome convex Ø 3,7mm bayonet
1322/2 Osteotome concave Ø 3,2mm
1322/3 Osteotome concave Ø 3,7mm
1322/7 Osteotome concave Ø 3,2mm bayonet
1322/8 Osteotome concave Ø 3,7mm bayonet
661/85.HL8 Bone curette Lucas n.85
661/86.HL8 Bone curette Lucas n.86
661/87.HL8 Bone curette Lucas n.87
952 Hammer Mead
981/19 Gammafix tray Quatri

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