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Skinfill Plus  is Promoitalia’s ultimate range of absorbable fillers based on crosslinked hyaluronic acid which combines the development of the most innovative technologies with the safety of hyaluronic acid. The perfect mixture for every need. This line of dermal fillers is well-known...
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SAR700.00 SAR630.00
You save: SAR70.00
Skinfill Plus  is Promoitalia’s ultimate range of absorbable fillers based on crosslinked hyaluronic acid which combines the development of the most innovative technologies with the safety of hyaluronic acid. The perfect mixture for every need. This line of dermal fillers is well-known...
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SAR700.00 SAR630.00
You save: SAR70.00
Skinfill Plus  is Promoitalia’s ultimate range of absorbable fillers based on crosslinked hyaluronic acid which combines the development of the most innovative technologies with the safety of hyaluronic acid. The perfect mixture for every need. This line of dermal fillers is well-known...
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SkinFill Diamond Plus increases and restores volume to various parts of the face, especially the lips SkinFill Diamond Plus  is a product developed by  Promoitalia Medical Aesthetics  which, thanks to its high concentration and high cross-linking, is suitable for replenishing lost or missing...
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SAR700.00 SAR630.00
You save: SAR70.00
Skinfill Plus  is Promoitalia’s ultimate range of absorbable fillers based on crosslinked hyaluronic acid which combines the development of the most innovative technologies with the safety of hyaluronic acid. The perfect mixture for every need. This line of dermal fillers is well-known...
للتخلص من قشرة الشعر بتركيبة حصرية تعتمد على الزيوت الأساسية وبيركتون أولامين لإزالة القشرة ومنع تكونها واستعادة التوازن لفروة الرأس والرطوبة لضمان منع تكون القشرة مجددا. الفوائد الرئيسية: مناسبه المجموعة لجميع أنواع الشعر، لتطهير فروة الرأس من الفطريات المسببة للقشرة، حيث تحتوي على مادة...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
برنامج التخلص من قشرة الشعر والحكة واحمرار فروة الرأس الناتج عن الالتهاب من كوزمو ون، بتركيبة حصرية تعتمد على الزيوت الأساسية وكليبازول لإزالة العوامل المسببة للقشرة، مثالي لفروة الرأس الحساسة والقشرة الدهنية وللتخلص من التهاب فروة الرأس. الفوائد الرئيسية: تساهم المكونات الفعالة في المجموعة...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
A precious synergy of essentials oils with exfoliate and soothe. It efficiently removes scaling and puri es the cutis. Thanks to its exclusive formula, it prevents the dandruff return and reddening. Usage: distribute a few drops of Sinergia Puriderm on the concerned areas, then gently massage to...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
A delicate shampoo, SLES free, studied to fight hair loss. Its important synergy of essential oils microdispersed, and the natural substances guarantee a re-establishing and nourishing action of the hair-bulb, opposing forcefully the hair root weakening. Usage: with dry hair apply evenly on the...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
SLES-free mild shampoo to prevent hair loss. The precious synergy of essential oils micro dispersed, together with the AlgaSer Complex, provides the right nourishment to the hair bulb, helping to reduce significantly hair loss, restoring the right functionality of the cutaneous annexes. Usage:...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
من أهم أسباب تساقط الشعر هو ضعف بصيلة الشعر بسبب تلوث الفروة من العوامل الخارجية. كما يؤثر الإجهاد النفسي والعوامل الغذائية والوراثية عليها أيضا. تساهم المجموعة على منع مسببات ضعف الجذور والتحكم في إفراز الدهون. الفوائد الرئيسية: يحتوي على خلاصة البلميط المنشاري الذي تساهم في مقاومة الصلع...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
A delicate shampoo, SLES free, formulated to re-establish scalp secretions. The essential oils microdispersed, in association with natural substances, guarantee an immediate effect, and reducing efficiently the sebum secretions. Usage: with dry hair apply evenly on the scalp, emulsify and...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
A delicate shampoo, SLES free, studied to remove and contrast dandruff. Its important synergy of essential oils microdispersed, associated with Piroctone guarantee a re-establishing action of the hydrolipidic layer, protecting the skin from dandruff reappearance. Usage: with dry hair apply...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
A delicate shampoo, SLES free, formulated to remove and impede the return of dandruff. The synergy of essential oils microdispersed together with Climbazole guarantees a selective action, calming down and protecting the scalp from further dandruff. Usage: with dry hair apply evenly on the scalp,...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
Three-phase vial Adjuvant against hair loss Contains 12 pcs 6 ml 0.20 fl. oz. + 140 mg 0.005 oz. each Innovative triphasic lotion purposely formulated to counteract the premature hair loss. The AlgaSer Complex, based on Serenoa serrulata and Laminaria digitata in synergy with the precious...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
150 ml (SAR287.00 per 150 ml)
كريم تقشير البشرة الحساسة 
A soothing, refreshing and protective cream for sensitive skin prone to couperose. It protects skin from environmental factors such as cold, saltiness and wind. It brings freshness, elasticity and softness to skin calming redness and restoring the skin’s natural defences. Directions: apply on...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
روتين العناية بالبشرة الحساسة والمعرضة للاحمرار أو التهيج بفترات معينة، مجموعة مدعمة بنشا الأرز ليقلل من الالتهابات. الفوائد الرئيسية: تعمل المجموعة على تهدئة البشرة الحساسة وحمايتها من العوامل البيئية. تحتوي على نشا الأرز وزبدة الشيا ومجموعة كبيرة من الأحماض الأمينية والفيتامينات الأساسية....
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
A delicate cleansing emulsion for daily use on delicate skin. Enriched with shea butter and rice starch. It gently cleanses sensitive skin garanteeing utmost levels of skin protection. Precious natural extracts help prevent redness and restore the skin’s natural functions. Directions: apply...
BrandREVIVRE Country of OriginItaly
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الابرالذهبيه الدقيقة جدا ( مايكرونيدل) التي تتغلغل داخل البشرة بلطف ومن ثم تصدر الموجات الراديوية داخل البشرة بشكل أعمدة موحدة وتكون مركزة بشكل كبير في رأس الإبر الدقيقة من الأسفل مما يؤدي إلى التقليل من احتمالية تورم طبقات الجلد السطحية ، وتسهم الحرارة الناتجة عن الموجات الراديوية المنبعثة من الإبر الدقيقة بإعادة بناء وترتيب الأنسجة المحيطة و تحفيز بناء الكولاجين بشكل كبير بالإضافة إلى تجمع خلايا الكولاجين والايلاستين في المنطقة التي تم إدخال الإبر الدقيقة بها مما ينتج عنها بشرة نضرة ومشدودة 
Country of OriginSouth Korea
Bielenda ROSE CARE Rose Cleansing Oil contains light hydrophilic oil intended for cleaning and washing delicate and sensitive face skin. Usage Instruction: Moisten the skin with water, apply a few drops of oil in the hand and massage evently into skin until it transforms to a delicate foam...
It nourishes and prevents dry lips WITH 5% SHEA BUTTER
BrandRilastil Size40ml
an intensive moisturizer that helps to recover very dry and irritated skin through quick and long-lasting action.restores the skin’s barrier and microbiota to intensely treat severe dryness. This balm has a quick and long-lasting effect that immediately soothes and comforts dry and irritated skin
BrandRilastil Size40ml
an intensive moisturizer that helps to recover very dry and irritated skin through quick and long-lasting action.restores the skin’s barrier and microbiota to intensely treat severe dryness. This balm has a quick and long-lasting effect that immediately soothes and comforts dry and irritated skin
BrandRilastil Size40ml
A cleansing solution that targets severe dryness, sensitivity and itchiness. Suitable for fragile and atopic skin, this cleansing oil focuses on restoring the skin’s natural barrier and in providing intense hydration. Therefore, after each use, you will notice how your skin is visibly nourished...
BrandRilastil Size40ml
A gentle foaming gel specially created to cleanse very dry, irritated and prone to redness skin. it is able to cleanse the skin without depleting the skin hydro-lipid film and, like so, is perfect to treat dryness, desquamation, and itchiness
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Apply a small amount of Rilastil Intense C Gel Serum 3 to a clean, dry face in the morning as a first step of face care Avoid contact with eyes and, if necessary, rinse them with water. Keep away from heat with the cap closed. .
BrandRilastil Size40ml
 daily water-based cream treatment to protect the diaper area and prevent redness, irritation, dermatitis and complication owed to alteration of the local microbial flora.
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Delicate light-scented cleanser specifically for sensitive skin and fragile baby and child hair. There is a formulation with insular Ph, as well as in its perberration there is Panthenol and Vitamin E for hydration, calming and protection from inflammation of the skin.
BrandRilastil Size40ml
this photoprotective cream not only protects the skin against damage from UVA, UVB, and blue light rays, but also helps to prevent and combat brown spots on sensitive skin. It has a set of ingredients such as Tetrapeptide 30, Vitamin C, and Niacinamide. Basically, they work on skin blemishes...
BrandRilastil Size40ml
You may use the Rilastil D-Clar Depigmenting Concentrate Drops in several ways depending on the results you wish to accomplish. For a localized treatment, apply one or two drops of the formula to the designated area. On another hand, to get an illuminating action, apply four to five drops mixed with your moisturizer in the mornings. Lastly, to achieve an overall more even skin tone, apply this product in the mornings before your cream. Complement its use with other products from the same range. This formula may cause extra sensitivity to the sun, therefore, it is imperative to use an appropriate sunscreen in case of sun exposure. Avoid contact with the eyes, eye contour, and lips. 
BrandRilastil Size40ml
 A daily cream that targets hyperpigmentation leaving your skin more even and radiant. It is used to fight several kinds of hyperpigmentation. Like so, with regular use, your skin will be visibly more homogenous, radiant, and brightened
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Shake well before use. Use it at night, applying it directly with your hands or by using a cotton pad. Then, massage the product gently with circular motions. If you have sensitive skin or any reaction to the product, rinse thoroughly after letting it act for three or five minutes
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Evenly spray on the face in the morning and evening or during the day if experiencing discomfort. Spray at no less than 15-20 cm, keeping your eyes and mouth closed. Do not inhale. External use.
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Use daily for instant hydration. Alternatively, apply a thick layer of product, leave on for 5 minutes, then remove with a cosmetic tissue, as a mask
BrandRilastil Size40ml
this photoprotective cream  protects the skin against damage from UVA, UVB, and blue light rays,enriched with Azeloglycine and Niacinamide, with sebum-regulating and mattifying action. Suitable for combined and prone to acne skin 
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Light and fast-absorbing emulsion specific to counteract the shine of oily, mixed skin, with impurities and acne-prone skin. Counteracts pore dilation and absorbs excess sebum, keeping skin dry and clean. Tones the face with a matte effect that minimizes imperfections. Also suitable for the most...
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Gel indicated for the hygiene of combination, oily and acne-prone skin. With sebum normalizing, soothing and mattifying action, it reduces and prevents blemishes on impure skin. Enriched with panthenol, ceramides and hyaluronic acid , 
BrandRilastil Size40ml
Specific cream for acne skin preparation enriched with hyaloronic acid and panthenol ,indicated for the  of mixed, oily and acne-prone skin .it refines the skin and minimizes its imperfections with moisturising action, and with an antimicrobial that helps control the growth of skin micro-organisms
BrandRilastil Size40ml
15 g (SAR0.00 per 0 g)
Retinol Vitamin A Eye Gel reduces visible signs of aging around the delicate eye area. This effective eye gel will help minimize the appearance of puffiness and dark circles while restoring tone and elasticity. Formulated without fragrance for use on even the most sensitive skin....
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