Purever Canada Omega3 100gum


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  • Omega-3 is the most important for your child’s health
  • Support brain development and cognitive function in children
  • Promote cardiovascular health in children
  • Helps in the growth and maintenance of bones and teeth
  • All colors and flavors of this product are extracted from a natural source only and there are no preservatives in it

OverviewOmega 3 from purover canada helps children get their daily needs in a fun and delicious way. Discover pureave omega: the fun and healthy way to nourish your kids with high-quality omega-3 from canada. Are you looking for a way to ensure your child gets the vital benefits of omega-3 for healthy growth and development, in a way they love and ask for more of? Puriver omega-3 offers you the perfect solution with its unique and children-friendly formula, made in canada with the highest quality standards, to provide a nutritional supplement rich in omega-3 with delicious flavors that children love.



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