RVS-100 Vital Signs Monitor The device has “Monitor”, “Spot Check” and “Triage” profile options, as well as a “Demo” mode. Continuous monitoring is designed to monitor patients over time and includes physiological and technical alarms. Spot Check is designed to take a single set of vital...
مواصفات جهاز مراقبة المريض K 12: جهاز مراقبة العلامات الحيوية للمريض K 12 مقدم من شركة كريتيف ميديكال،  المتخصصة في الأجهزة الطبية الحديثة عالية الجودة والتخصص. الجهاز محمول ومتنقل، يتميز بدقة وسرعة الأداء، خفيف الوزن وصغير الحجم. يتميز الجهاز بشاشة LCD عرض 12.1 إنش ذاتية الإضاءة...
سمات   1) 3 معلمات (SPO2، NIBP، PR)؛ 2) شاشة لمس TP مقاس 8 بوصات، مقاومة للماء: IPX2؛ 3) مدمجة وصغيرة الحجم لسيارات الإسعاف؛ 4) دقة قابلة للتنفيذ لسهولة الاستخدام على سطح المكتب؛ 5) مع محول 12 فولت-2 أمبير؛ 6) مكافحة الرجفان، ومنظمة الجراحي الجراحي العالي التردد. 7) دعم التشخيص...
مواصفات جهاز قياس علامات حيوية PC-900 Plus: جهاز مراقبة العلامات الحيوية PC-900 Plus المقدم من شركة كريتيف ميديكال المتخصصة بالأجهزة الطبية عالية الجودة والتخصص. يقوم جهاز قياس العلامات الحيوية بمراقبة ضغط الدم ومعدل ضربات القلب ونسبة الأكسجين في الدم كما يقوم بعمل تخطيط للقلب....
(SAR575.00 inc tax)
- A stretcher used in ambulances and hospitals to transport the sick and wounded - It is considered one of the first first aid tools to transport patients safely and quickly until reaching the place of treatment - Made of reinforced plastic, which is characterized by hardness, and the ability to...
 Model:EC-500P -Crash card trolley is designed for use in hospitals and emergency departments - It has a set of drawers and shelves used to transport and distribute medicines and emergency equipment - It contains five drawers of different sizes, equipped with a safety lock, and handles...
Country of OriginChina
(SAR2,760.00 inc tax)
- a nursing cart designed for use in hospitals and emergency departments - It is used to transport and distribute medicines and emergency equipment and is equipped with a safety lock - the upper surface of the cart has raised edges to prevent tools and devices from falling, and handles for...
It happens in a split second. A person collapses — the victim of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) — and the clock starts ticking. You call for help, and medical personnel are on their way. But precious seconds are racing by. The victim’s best chance for survival is immediate CPR and a...
(SAR230.00 inc tax)
- Stretcher used in ambulances to transport sick and wounded - It is lightweight and foldable for easy portability -  Heavy-duty metal construction and high-quality durable textile fibers - It features handles on both ends of the stretcher for easy carrying and movement - Side openings through...
The frame of the ambulance stretcher is made of high quality and durable aluminum, which is light in weight and easy to clean. The inclination of the backrest can be manually adjusted. There are side handles on the stretcher to protect the injured and to facilitate carrying and moving the...
BrandDragon-ice Country of Originchina
BrandDragon-ice Country of Originchina
(SAR3,392.50 inc tax)
 A defibrillator designed to deliver an electric shock to the heart to try to revive it - It contains simple audio explanations and signals for the rescue operation - Lightweight and battery operated to maximize portability and ease of use - Easy to use and highly effective - Weight: 2.3 kg...
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